Story about Fluoroquinolone Toxicity .

A Fluoroquinolone Toxicity story

May 27, 2016

 It was the second time in as many months that I had a sinus infection and bronchitis… The doctor said "let's give you a strong antibiotic to take care of this once and for all… And prescribed  Levaquin and a steroid.  On day one I took the first pill when I got home from the doctors and went to sleep…  I had a terrifying dream I couldn't wake up from… And when I did my hands were shaking my legs were shaking and I was nauseous… Following day I was very sick to my stomach --I had a headache --I was shaky… It was awful. I took the pills the second day and went to sleep for that second night… I had a night terror so severe that when I woke up I did not recognize my fiancé or my bedroom… It was horrifying . I couldn't hold a cup to my lips my hands were shaking so badly. Later that day I called the doctors office and told him I will never take another one of those pills and asked that they prescribe for me another anabiotic. They prescribed for me a Zpack and that cleared up the infection. 

Since then --my digestion has never returned to food is not being broken down...

i am exhausted all the time. I search for words all the time. I have torn my calf muscle--all my muscles are sore and tight or in spasm. My joints ache. My tendons are tight and hurt. My skin hurts on my legs. The bottom of my legs tingle. My sense of taste and smell have diminished. I have anxiety and depression. I fear what is to come.

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1 comment

I totally understand how frightened you must be. It's especially difficult knowing you are so sick because of something you were not even warned about. I would be interested in knowing when you first took those pills and how you are today? Do you understand what is going on the way with your health? 

I would like to help you in every way I can. I have experienced the same and so much more for almost 7 years. If you would like to get in touch with me just say the word. 

Commented 8 years ago Sammie 30

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