Story about Fluoroquinolone Toxicity , Breast Cancer.

The mystery of what ails me

May 30, 2016

By: Sammie

In 2008, I had a routine oral surgery procedure done. As a preventive measure I was given Levaquin via my IV. I never actually recovered from that procedure. At that time I didn't even know I had been given Levaquin and I would not have thought it to be a problem. As a nurse I thought I knew everything needed to administer this medication to my own patients. 

I had Levaquin a few more times in 2008 and 2009. I continued to get more and more sick. I had problems concentrating and felt as if my brain was melting. 

Then I noticed a lump on the way my neck that had been there since a few days after the oral surgery. I kept an eye on the way it and it became larger and deeper. I was the manager of an outpatient GI endoscopy department at that time so I was surrounded by surgeons. I would ask one of them to feel the lump and ask what they thought. No one thought it was significant.  I was also beginning to have difficulty with my balance and severe pain in my knees and wrists and other places. 

Soon I felt so sick I finally went to my ENT doc and asked him about the lump on my neck and told him how I had been feeling. He also didn't think the lump was significant even though I had it more than a year at that time. He said it was maybe a low grade infection and gave me another prescription for Levaquin. I took them and I felt so miserable I had to leave my job. I decided it was time to take some time off and take care of myself. I knew the lump on the way my neck wasn't ok and in a few months I went back to my ENT doc and told him to remove it or I would. He reluctantly scheduled me for a 15 minute procedure which actually took him several hours. The lump was sent to MD Anderson for evaluation as the doctors here could not identify it but felt it was malignant. It was serious enough that my doctor insisted I have radiation therapy which I did. A few months later the results from MD Anderson identified my mass and said radiation therapy would not be helpful. I had a terrible response to the radiation therapy. I left after the 2nd treatment and couldn't figure out how to open my car door. As time went by I lost myself in a fog of great physical and mental anguish. My body felt like it was always on fire and I couldn't find words to express myself. For two years I don't have recall of much of anything.

My family said I was living a nightmare of pain, anxiety, depression, falling, unable to walk but a few distances. When I finally was aware I was in the world I found I could not communicate well. I lost my vocabulary and my ability to sleep. I have crawled back and have regained my speech almost perfectly, my gait is almost normal, I have grown my hair back as it had almost all fallen out and I can think and concentrate almost as I once could. I still have pain but with the help of supplements, essential oils, exercise and the support of my family, I continue to do better each month. 

I have learned so much about what wellness means.  I've also learned many things about what are called alternative therapies. During these years I have had accupuncture, which restored the use of my left hand, Myofascial release which helped restore function and reduce knee and arm pain. I could go on and on about all the different alternative therapies and how they have helped me. I'll end by saying, traditional medicine almost killed me but alternative medicine has helped me regain my life. I would like to help other people learn how to find their own wellness. We are each unique and deserve a unique approach to help us be and stay well. 

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