Story about Gastroparesis .

No food

Dec 18, 2015

I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis 2 years ago after having a year of pain and test after test. They decided my gallbladder wasn't working they removed it and things got worse. I am no appetite. I could go days without eating anything or maybe a few bites and be what I called Thanksgiving full. After many tests and hospital stays I was told I have this incurable condition.

You never realize  how much food is a part of your life. It's hard for you and those around you to avoid the food issue. Sometimes I am bitter. But mostly I try to educated people and manage my condition.

Being an invisible disease most people don't want to believe you and think you should just eat. They don't get it or want to.

No one is exempt! Men, woman and children are starving for a cure. There are some treatments. Feeding tubes, medication and gastric pacers. All have risks of infections, side effects and even permanent neurological effects. 

Please share our plight. Recognize Gastroparesis as a disability and fight for a cure!

Thank you

Annette Kennedy Sirmans

Melbourne, Florida 


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