Is it easy to find a partner and/or maintain relationship when you have Gastroschisis?

People with experience in Gastroschisis give their opinion on whether it is easy or not to have a partner or to maintain a realationship when you are diagnosed of Gastroschisis. What are the possible difficulties in having a relationship?

Couple and Gastroschisis

Is it easy to find a partner and/or maintain a relationship when you have Gastroschisis?

Finding a partner and maintaining a relationship can be challenging for anyone, regardless of their medical condition. However, having Gastroschisis, a congenital birth defect where the baby's intestines are outside the body, may present some unique considerations and potential obstacles in the realm of dating and relationships.

Challenges in finding a partner:

When it comes to finding a partner, individuals with Gastroschisis may face certain challenges. Some people may be unfamiliar with the condition and may have misconceptions or fears about it. This lack of awareness can make it harder to find someone who is understanding and accepting.

Additionally, individuals with Gastroschisis may have physical scars or medical devices, such as a colostomy bag, which can affect their self-confidence and make them feel self-conscious. This can make it more difficult to approach potential partners or feel comfortable in dating situations.

Maintaining a relationship:

Once in a relationship, individuals with Gastroschisis may face additional challenges in maintaining it. The condition may require ongoing medical care, surgeries, or dietary restrictions, which can impact daily life and put strain on the relationship.

Communication is key in any relationship, and it becomes even more important when one partner has a medical condition. Openly discussing the challenges, fears, and needs related to Gastroschisis can help foster understanding and support between partners.

Support and understanding:

While there may be challenges, it is important to remember that finding a partner and maintaining a relationship is possible for individuals with Gastroschisis. Many people are understanding, compassionate, and willing to learn about their partner's condition.

Support groups, both online and offline, can provide a valuable network of individuals who have similar experiences and can offer advice and encouragement. Connecting with others who have Gastroschisis or other medical conditions can help individuals feel less alone and provide insights into successful relationships.

Self-acceptance and confidence:

Building self-acceptance and confidence is crucial for individuals with Gastroschisis. Embracing one's own uniqueness and understanding that Gastroschisis does not define them as a person can be empowering.

Engaging in activities and hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment can also help boost self-confidence and provide opportunities to meet potential partners who share similar interests.


While finding a partner and maintaining a relationship may have its challenges, individuals with Gastroschisis can certainly have fulfilling and loving relationships. It is important to be patient, communicate openly, and seek support when needed. Remember, everyone deserves love and understanding, regardless of their medical condition.

2 answers
It is difficult because of the complications that come from having several days of pain at a time.

Posted Nov 2, 2017 by Jazmin 2000

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Stories of Gastroschisis

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I'm 25 years old and was born with Gastroschisis, it's been a long road.. I have two beautiful healthy boys that doctors told me I wouldn't be able to have. 
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I'l a 30 year old mom of 2 children. My second daughter was born in 2015 with gastroschisis. She was born at 35weeks and 6 says. After the birth she went into surgery, full closure of the tummy. No difficults and now a busy toddler!
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My daughter Leona was born september 2012. We were 30 weeks and gastroshisis was diagnosed by ultrasound. Till that day, my pregnancy was normal. She was 910g and 37cm. She had 3 surgery. We spend 6 months on NICU. 
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Found out my son had severe gastroschisis with everything outside of his body (bladder, liver, small and large intestines, etc). He was born at 30 weeks 6 days due to IUGR. He is currently in the NICU now and will have a long fight but we are optimis...

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