Story about Gestational trophoblastic disease .

Molar pregnancy treated with methotrexate and Ema-co regime

Feb 8, 2016

By: Lauren

October 2014 I was "pregnant" . My hcg was not co corresponding to my weeks of pregnancy and I started to bleed . I was referred to have a scan but nothing could be made out so it was decided to be done again in 2 weeks. 2 weeks passed and the scan was done again and still no baby but loads of "bubbles" all over the screen - like a snow storm. Lovely sonographer man Steve suspected a molar pregnancy and scheduled for a d and c next morning. D and c commenced and I was on my way. Feeling very confused about everything and also heartbroken at a pregnancy that didn't work out - naturally. 

2 weeks passed and hcg started to return ... Doubling , tripling , quadrupling in numbers. Molar tissue has retuned and returned invasive. The molar had re  grown in my uterus and lesions down my vagina walls and one small nodule in my lung. Methotrexate was advised and begun soon after . 2 trips to the emergency room in the week they decided on my treatment due to lesions rupturing. Methotrexate worked initially and then I became resistant , they quickly made a decision to have my treatment to EMA-CO and soon I was bald , but responding much better to my new regime. 3 months later and 6 cycles complete my journey was over ! I'm nearly a year into my remission and hoping to try again . I'm petrified ! 

Lauren X 

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