Story about Glioblastoma multiforme .

The Lord is with us

Sep 15, 2017

By: Melanie

Year Condition Began: 2017

In February, i went to bed with what i thought was the worst sinus headache I ever had. But it wouldn't go away and i finally went to the hospital the next evening. They gave me meds for migraines and this did give relief but did not take it away completely. Next my right ear hurt so bad I would get physically sick. I went back to the dr, fluid behind my ear they said. More medicine, some relief. I did this over over for 2 weeks before my mom took me to her Dr. 5 minutes into the visit he said "u have a brain tumor and need an MRI." I thought he was crazy! A brain tumor! So i got the MRI just to make my mother happy...they started calling me while I was still in the machine setting up an apt for the next morning and sending prescriptions for steroids that i needed to start immediately. Why were these people freaking out? The next morning the dr says, it's bad!! It needs to come out now!!U have to have brain surgery tomorrow.
I thought ok I will have brain surgery and get this tumor out, no big deal. I went to sleep for surgery, the next thing I know the Lord is speaking to me. He said "i am your shepherd, you shall not want". He said this again and again, each time I woke up. I had never heard from Him before and didn't know He still spoke to people. In the meantime, the surgeon told my family I had GBM and was terminal. They sent my tumor to mayo who classified it as GBM4. I have never been scared because the Lord came to me and assured me i have nothing to fear. The drs have been unable to find any trace of cancer cells in any post surgery MRIs. The Lord is good and trustworthy.

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