Story about Goodpasture syndrome .

A Goodpasture syndrome story

Mar 1, 2016

I been sick on n off with stomache bugs etc since having my daughter in 2012.. last year 2015)- i was sick for weeks on end in n out of dr clinics having bloods done n spending most days in bed allday. I noticed over a period of about 3months my body started deteriorating n i felt less n less energised. I peed blood in september n was brushed off by drs. October i was struggling breathing n I myself was actually starting to believe i was a hypochondriac. I had been vomiting everything from food n water to just bial for months n kept being pushed away. Until october 27th 2015.. coughed blood allday

I finally demanaded bloods be done n something be done. I was given n antibiotic n sent away. I went bak home to bed vonitting blood all day it was at 7pm that night when i went to bed with my 2yr old daughter that i woke up to my dr at my door. Telling me i had acute renal failure n to immediately go to emergency. So i did. I was given a shitload of fluids in a bitter bid to hopefully teverse the renal failure. But it was to late by the following day i had chronic renal failure... i then had the cvc line inserted into my throat and had pkasma pheraseases and dialysis. They said it would only be tempirary to clean my blood n get excess fluid off. I was in hospital for 3 weeks. Eventually got cvc line in my chest n then returned to hospital for dialysis every 2days. I got diagnosed with gps. N my kidneys were 95% damaged. I have since been hospitalised another 2 times but only short stays and have had chest cvc removed n on pd dialysis. Im on the transplant list n just waiting to be snti gbm for least 6to12month.

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