Celebrities with Graves disease

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Celebrities with Graves disease

Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid gland, leading to an overproduction of thyroid hormones. This condition can have a significant impact on an individual's health and well-being. While it can affect anyone, including celebrities, it is important to note that this information is based on public statements and may not be up to date. Here are a few celebrities who have publicly shared their battle with Graves' disease:

1. Missy Elliott

Missy Elliott, the Grammy-winning rapper, singer, and songwriter, revealed in 2008 that she had been diagnosed with Graves' disease. She opened up about her struggles with the condition, including experiencing symptoms such as mood swings, weight loss, and hair loss. Despite her health challenges, Elliott has continued to make music and inspire fans worldwide.

2. Gigi Hadid

Gigi Hadid, the renowned supermodel, has also been open about her battle with Graves' disease. In 2016, she shared her diagnosis on social media, explaining how it affected her metabolism and caused changes in her body. Hadid has been vocal about the importance of self-care and taking the necessary steps to manage her health while pursuing her successful modeling career.

3. Wendy Williams

Wendy Williams, the popular talk show host, revealed in 2018 that she was diagnosed with Graves' disease. She took a hiatus from her show to focus on her health and received treatment for the condition. Williams has since returned to her hosting duties, using her platform to raise awareness about Graves' disease and encourage others to prioritize their well-being.

4. Faith Ford

Faith Ford, known for her role in the TV show "Murphy Brown," has also shared her experience with Graves' disease. She was diagnosed in the late 1980s and has been managing her condition ever since. Ford has been an advocate for thyroid health and has spoken about the importance of early detection and treatment.

5. Missy Peregrym

Missy Peregrym, the Canadian actress known for her roles in "Rookie Blue" and "Van Helsing," has publicly discussed her battle with Graves' disease. She has spoken about the challenges of managing her health while working in the demanding entertainment industry. Peregrym has emphasized the importance of self-care and finding a balance between work and personal well-being.

These are just a few examples of celebrities who have shared their experiences with Graves' disease. It is important to remember that each person's journey with the condition is unique, and their experiences may vary. By raising awareness and sharing their stories, these celebrities have helped shed light on Graves' disease and inspire others facing similar health challenges.

3 answers
Barbara Bush
George H. Bush
Jane Callaway
Ben Crenshaw
Gail Devers
Missy Elliott
Marty Feldman
Faith Ford
Sia Furler
Gene Lee Nolin

Posted Sep 1, 2019 by Jyoti9 100
Wendy Williams and Sia

Posted Dec 19, 2019 by Emma 3770

Celebrities with Graves disease

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Stories of Graves disease

Graves disease stories
Graves disease stories
I had my yearly physical in Dec '13 and everything was fine.  All of a sudden in Feb '14 my legs were swollen and I couldn't walk across the room without panting.  Went to the doctor in March and they discovered I was in AFib and needed a heart val...
Graves disease stories
I would say that my earliest symptom started to show in 2012 at the age of 13. My first diagnosis I was given was ADHD, as I was starting to have concentration problems in school. As time progressed, my symptoms became more apparent as I started high...
Graves disease stories
diagnosed last 2012, but i had the feeling and symptoms long time ago, i just dont give attention on it,.
Graves disease stories
I was diagnosed with Graves Disease in October 2015 after being ill since Jan 2015. It was a terrifying year as I didn't know what was wrong only that something was. I had to change doctors in the end due to not being listened to & thankfully the 2nd...

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