Question - Guillain-Barre Syndrome


are you able to be positive?

Asked 8 years ago Pablo 1045

Many people have suggested me to be positive even when you have a real reason to be negative... Some people recommends me to do meditation, yoga or similar stuff... but sincerely I dont feel like. does it happens to you?

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In All honesty yes it dose happen qyite freqently for me to think like tgis because i dont have the same endurance as other of my age, i have days that are better, and days that are worst.


The thing i find that helps allot is to have support from famelly and friends and doctor even if it just a couple compared to many. 


Talk about it, dont keep it inside. I used to keep it all bottled up and it made me a extremely negative person growing up and up to recently, and even now i still have to work on it.

To help on the bad days, i think about all the things i can do, all tge good i did and still do, all tge good things in my life. Ill admit at times it gets really hard, even more wen im so sore i can hardly move and my 4 year old son wants to play whit me and his toy, but even then, i focus or try to focus on what i can do even in that condition.


I know it not a concrete anwser but i hope it helps!

Answered 8 years ago Miggel 23

Thanks, i think sharing our experiences is also really good for this target

Answered 8 years ago Pablo 1045

Honestly it all depends on the type of day I am having...I have had GBS 3x now (currently fighting it and have since been re-diagnosed with CIDP) and it is a battle to have a positive outlook. Sarcastically I am always positive about this condition that is absolutely SUCKS! I find that when I am having the bad days, music helps as well as a supportive family environment. I am too darn stubborn to give up and in that I am 100% positive. And when I say music helps, it's not the typical music that one would think...I don't go for calming meditative stuff...I need Hard Rock/Heavy Metal. It acts as my relaxant but it does help me...go with what works for YOU. The only other advice I can offer is listen to your BODY not your mind. I have found that the mind will say you can do it and if you push hard enough your body will follow suit...howver the body will tell you, yes you can push through it but it will come at a steep price...overdoing it one day can lead to several days of needing bed rest...good luck on your recovery and remember GBS also stands for Getting Better Slowly!

Answered 8 years ago Steve Porta 22

This proves to be one of the hardest consequences of gbs for me. Although I've been struck relatively recent (September), I'm already struggling to stay positive so much that I'm going to see a psychologist next week, for the.first time in my life. So yes, I guess it's quite common.

Answered 7 years ago Rene 315
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