Story about Hashimotos Disease .

My Journey

Dec 2, 2

By: Julie

I have been having a variety of health problems since I was 17. It started out with back pain. Then at the end of 2008, when I was 18, I was in a car accident and my back pain got worse. On top of that, I started to have pain in my hips, shoulders and neck. Since then, I have been to at least a dozen doctors, have gone through physical therapy, massage therapy, chiropractor sessions, and that's added to the many x-rays and lab work. Add in a bunch of medications and there you have it. I was a hot mess with no answers. No specialist, no medication could help me. I knew I was hypothroid, but I didn't take my medication because I saw no improvement. That's until last year, I decided I needed to try to get my thryoid under control. I started Levothyroxine. Then in July of this year, I was disgnosed with Hashimoto's. I started to do research... I wanted to learn as much as I could. I learned all my physical symptoms, and my depression was linked to Hashimoto's. It was a huge relief to know that it wasn't all in my head. Just recently, I switched to Sythroid. So far, I haven't seen any changes, but I know it will take time.

All of this will take time.

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Hi Julie - you should consider seeing a holistic Doctor who can prescribe a desiccated thyroid like Nature-Throid. Works much better, gluten free-no chemical additives. I have Hashimoto's as well & feel the difference since I've been on it., 

I felt awful while on synthroid, levoyxl etc. good luck to u

Commented 7 years ago Mindy 38

Your pain is so familiar! At the age of 30 I was getting epidurals every 10 months(for 8 years!)to control one of my many areas of pain. I also had hypersensitive hearing and shaky vision along with severe muscle spasms. I went to many doctors (even the Mayo clinic)and was given many drugs-nothing worked. Finally at 43 I was diagnosed with Hashimotos but was told there was nothing that could be done about it. I wouldnt accept this so I sought out a funtional medicine doctor.  It's been 3 years and I am absolutely pain free with a strict Paleo diet and Low Dose Naltrexone after healing my leaky gut. Good Luck!!

Commented 7 years ago Heather marakis 20

I have found so much relief of painful muscles (almost got myself a diagnosis of fibromyalgia) and joints from Low Dose Naltrexone!  I'm a believer.  In combination with my Armour thyroid and zoloft, I am pain free and angst-free!  Also, NO BRAIN FOG!!

Commented 7 years ago Penny 15

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