Can people with Hemicrania Continua work? What kind of work can they perform?

See how people with experience in Hemicrania Continua give their opinion about whether people with Hemicrania Continua can work and what kind of jobs are more appropriated for people with Hemicrania Continua

Hemicrania Continua jobs

Can people with Hemicrania Continua work?

Hemicrania Continua is a rare form of chronic headache that is characterized by continuous, unilateral pain. It is often accompanied by autonomic symptoms such as redness or tearing of the eye, nasal congestion, and drooping of the eyelid. The pain experienced by individuals with Hemicrania Continua is typically moderate to severe and can last for months or even years without remission.

Now, let's address the question of whether people with Hemicrania Continua can work. The answer to this question depends on the severity of the condition and how well it is managed. Hemicrania Continua can significantly impact an individual's quality of life and ability to function, including their capacity to work.

For individuals with mild to moderate Hemicrania Continua:

If the symptoms are well-controlled with appropriate treatment, it is possible for individuals with Hemicrania Continua to continue working. However, it is important for them to have a supportive work environment that understands their condition and provides necessary accommodations. This may include flexible work hours, the ability to take breaks when needed, and adjustments to the work environment to minimize triggers that can exacerbate the headaches.

For individuals with severe Hemicrania Continua:

In cases where the condition is severe and unresponsive to treatment, it may be challenging for individuals to maintain regular employment. The constant pain and associated symptoms can make it difficult to concentrate, perform tasks, and meet the demands of a job. In such situations, individuals may need to consider alternative work arrangements, such as part-time employment, working from home, or seeking disability benefits if their condition qualifies.

Types of work suitable for individuals with Hemicrania Continua:

The type of work that individuals with Hemicrania Continua can perform depends on their individual capabilities, skills, and limitations. Jobs that offer flexibility, such as freelance work or self-employment, can be more suitable as they allow individuals to manage their workload and schedule according to their condition. Additionally, jobs that involve minimal physical exertion and reduced exposure to triggers, such as working in a quiet and well-controlled environment, may be more manageable.


In summary, whether individuals with Hemicrania Continua can work depends on the severity of their condition and how well it is managed. With appropriate treatment and accommodations, individuals with mild to moderate Hemicrania Continua can continue working in supportive work environments. However, for those with severe and unresponsive cases, maintaining regular employment may be challenging, and alternative work arrangements or disability benefits may need to be considered.

2 answers
Yes people with HC can work as long as their treatment is working. If they don't get the right treatment they can become severely depressed and suicidal.

HC sufferers can work in any field as long as the flare up pain (pain at most severe) is managed.

Posted Mar 19, 2019 by Terry Eustace 3211

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TN, Atypical facial pain, possible ON. Have been dealing since July of 2014.

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