Question - Hidradenitis Suppurativa


hs and rituximab or immune suppressants

Asked 8 years ago Ellen 30

I might be reseaving ribuximab or  immune suppressants for a autoimmune  condition but  can't find out if it would make the HS worse, and I don't see the dermo till 2 weeks after the other doctor who'll decide what treatment to put me on and don't want it to be delayed for a fortnight. Does anyone know about these medicines and what might work with the hs? 

1 answer | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Hi Ellen ; hope you're fine . I've had many operations and refused medication . What really helped me big time is taking vitamin D3 15000 ie per day . I've gone in remission : no more flare ups , NONE !

Answered 9 months ago Ernst 20
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