Story about Hyperemesis Gravidarum .

My story

Sep 13, 2017

Year Condition Began: 2017

Found out I was pregnant and I was over the moon. I'd been wanting baby number 2 for sure, ever since I miscarried late, this year. Everything was exciting and I couldn't wait To tell people, however I then became ill after approximately 5 weeks. My family were ill with a big, so I assumed I had caught the bug, but they got better and I got so much worse. The problem was, no one seemed to understand just how bad I felt. Not even my hubby. I spent a week off work, being violently sick and couldn't keep any food or fluid down. I knew thing were bad and I became scared for the baby ( I couldn't go through losing another, so I rang the dr). The dr did the usual, "try ginger." I pleaded with her to give me something as ginger just made me sick anyway. She prescribed me cyclizine, but I threw this up immediately. The next day i rang 111 and ended up in hospital, severely dehydrated and on a drip.
I'm now 9 weeks pregnant and still off work. I've been given several different medications, And nearly wound up back in hospital on a couple of occasions. I totally recommend the pregnancy sickness support website who have helped me no end. I'm still suffering but I feel like I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm now on stemitil cyclizine and ondansatron 3 times a day, just about managing my 2 year old who's pretty much held his own for the past month. It's made me feel so guilty but I know how excited he is to be having a baby brother or sister. This won't last forever so we're just gonna have to hang in there and hope that this doesn't last the entire pregnancy x

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