What is the history of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura?

When was Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura discovered? What is the story of this discovery? Was it coincidence or not?

History of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

History of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) is a rare autoimmune disorder characterized by a low platelet count, leading to excessive bleeding and bruising. The history of ITP dates back to ancient times, although the understanding and recognition of the condition have evolved significantly over the years.

Ancient Times

The earliest recorded evidence of a condition resembling ITP can be traced back to ancient civilizations. Ancient Egyptians and Greeks described cases of spontaneous bleeding and purpura, which are characteristic symptoms of ITP. However, due to limited medical knowledge at the time, the true nature of the disorder remained unknown.

19th Century

The first significant advancements in understanding ITP occurred in the 19th century. In 1835, a French physician named Paul Louis Oslar identified a case of purpura associated with bleeding gums and nosebleeds. He named the condition "purpura hemorrhagica" and recognized it as a distinct disorder.

Later in the century, the German physician Wilhelm Henoch made further contributions to the understanding of ITP. In 1874, he described a series of cases with purpura, enlarged spleen, and bleeding tendencies. Henoch's observations helped differentiate ITP from other bleeding disorders and laid the foundation for future research.

20th Century

The 20th century witnessed significant advancements in the understanding and management of ITP. In the early 1900s, the term "idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura" was coined to describe the condition. The term "idiopathic" was used to indicate that the cause of the disorder was unknown, while "thrombocytopenic" referred to the low platelet count.

In the 1950s, the discovery of platelet-associated antibodies in individuals with ITP provided crucial insights into the autoimmune nature of the disorder. This finding suggested that the immune system mistakenly targeted and destroyed platelets, leading to their reduced numbers.

Throughout the 20th century, various treatment approaches for ITP were explored. Corticosteroids, such as prednisone, were commonly used to suppress the immune system and increase platelet counts. However, these treatments often provided only temporary relief and carried significant side effects.

Recent Advances

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, significant progress has been made in understanding the underlying mechanisms of ITP and developing targeted therapies. The discovery of specific autoantibodies, such as antiplatelet glycoprotein (GP) antibodies, has improved diagnostic accuracy and allowed for more tailored treatment approaches.

Advancements in medical technology, such as flow cytometry and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), have enabled more precise identification of platelet antibodies and improved monitoring of treatment response.

Furthermore, the development of newer treatment options, such as thrombopoietin receptor agonists (TPO-RAs) and immunosuppressive drugs, has provided additional choices for patients with ITP. These therapies aim to stimulate platelet production or modulate the immune response to restore platelet counts.


The history of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura spans centuries, with significant advancements in understanding and managing the condition. From ancient descriptions of purpura to the modern era of targeted therapies, medical knowledge and technology have greatly improved our ability to diagnose and treat ITP. Ongoing research continues to shed light on the underlying causes and potential new treatment options for this complex autoimmune disorder.

4 answers
You'll have to research this yourself

Posted Jul 7, 2017 by Theresa 4010
The history of ITP is closely tied to the story of the first demonstration of a blood plasma factor which causes platelet destruction. It was this blood plasma factor that was subsequently identified as an autoantibody. This initial dramatic experiment is part of the legend of ITP, and it is graphically described in a book by Lawrence K. Altman, the medical writer for the New York Times.

He described the story of Dr. William Harrington, whose career research on ITP began when he was a medical student in Boston in 1945 and cared for a young woman with ITP who died from hemorrhage. Five years later, when he was receiving his hematology training at Washington University in St. Louis, he was caring for another woman with severe bleeding, whose platelet count had not increased after splenectomy

Posted Sep 27, 2017 by jillenid 2570
Purpura, initially recognized in ancient times, was defined into clinical syndromes in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. With advances in microscope science in the nineteenth century, the platelet was identified, leading to the recognition of the thrombocytopenic component of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). The 20th century brought recognition of the pathophysiology of the disorder and the clinical states were refined and treatments for ITP developed. The latter half of the 20th century has focused on the autoimmune components of ITP, attempting to develop diagnostic tests, apply new therapies, and elucidate the immune dysregulation associated with, and underlying, the disorder.

Posted Sep 29, 2017 by Marília 3570

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Lotgenoten gezocht in Belgie .Ik heb een fb groep aangemaakt ( ITP Immune (Idiopatische) Trombocytopenische Purpura Belgie)
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura stories
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low platelets around 14000

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My  haematologist says that the aching in my body and depression have nothing to do with  ITP, yet the platelet disorder association says otherwise. What's the truth ? Does anyone else with this condition suffer the same things?  

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