Story about IgA nephropathy , Chronic Kidney Disease.

My story doesn't mean yours will be the same.

Mar 23, 2017

By: Taylor

I was diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy which is a kidney disease and in my case is fast progressing. Chronic pain and extreme fatigue. Not only do I have terrible side effects from medications I have had to try such as severe joint and bone pain, weight fluctuations, loss of appetite, fevers and chills. But, I also suffer from Insomnia, anxiety, depression and severe back pain caused by both my kidney disease and also herniated discs in my lower back. I was diagnosed in May of 2014 after having severe hematuria and proteinuria causing cola colored urine, a fever of over 100 degrees, and a kidney kidney biopsy to confirm my diagnosis. Honestly since being diagnosed my life is completely different and not in a good way. I am unable to work because of the side effects and extreme fatigue I experience everyday. I was denied disability benefits because "I am too young to be sick enough," so says the team of experts who didn't even check up with my nephrologist about my conditions. It seems like every day I just have to suck up my pain, put a smile on, and pretend to make it through. 

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