Story about Kallmann Syndrome .

Accidental diagnosis

Nov 26, 2019

Year Condition Began: 2012

It was lucky on my side (and unlucky for my sister) that led to the events for my diagnosis.
My sister began to have issues with her health, after it became clear that she had developed Celiac Disease my immediate family had been advised to have blood tests.

After mine came back with an abnormal thyroid hormone level more tests where requested from my pediatrician. These tests began when I was in year 10 (14/15 years old) and the fact that I had not started puberty was a major factor in the diagnosis. I had always been of a smaller stature and was less matured than my peers in school, becoming something of a concern to me as my friends began to go through puberty leaving me behind. My anosmia at the time had not been recognized as I struggled to get across the fact that i could not smell but after being told that this was a symptom of Kallmanns my anosmic claim held more weight.
My congenital anosmia became clear after I underwent a MRI scan which showed I had failed to develop olfactory bulbs. These lifelong symptoms and my abnormal hormone levels became the clear indication of Kallmanns Syndrome.

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