Question - Lichen Planus


Which is the effective treatment for Lichen Planus?

Healthcare professional
Asked 7 years ago Divesh 100

Lichen Planus is a skin disease that may also affect the other part of  your body. There are many treatment options for this skin disorder.  Treatment option for this skin disorder basically depends on the severity of the condition, so it is also a good idea to visit a dermatologist or a skin specialist and discuss about your problem with him or her. 

Most effective treatment for Lichen Planus is homeopathic treatment. The homeopathic treatment for Lichen Planus is based on the individual case study of the patient's disease, its cause, its spread, the area affected, the genetic tendency, mindset, etc. The treatment plans thus designed is addressed towards correcting the immune system, in turn treating Lichen Planus from within. I have read many case studies of the patients who got their lichen planus treated with the help of homeopathic medicines. It is the best treatment to cure your lichen planus completely.

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I've had LP for a while now, initially the doctor prescribed an antihistamine a day, which I eventually stopped taking because it made no difference. A few creams like efaderm and aloevera to ease the itching and keep the skin moisturized. The ones that got really big over a period of time on my feet were treated by tricort 40 injections and the result was astonishing, but that didnt stop the new ones from coming up in different places. Don't mean to discourage you but this needs a while to cure. Wish you good health.

Answered 7 years ago Prajay 11

Hi divesh 

I have had oral LP for almost 2.5 yrs.i also took homeopathy but 

It haven't made any difference.i think my homeopathic diagnosis was not up to the mark.

Allopathy treatment was based on my oral LP has been cured since past 6 months.however it reappears a li'l while in stress or during mensural.

Dr. Prescribed me depsone and cortisone compatible as per my weight.also 'momete f' ointment helped me a lot. I highly recommend you to to not take stress and heal your blisters with warm water and raw aloevera .also use apple cider vinegar every day thrice 


I know it's a hard hopefull.stay positive and healthy.




Answered 7 years ago Chandra 10
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