Story about Lichen Sclerosus .

Living with lichen sclerosis

May 5, 2019

Year Condition Began: 2016

It started out with small white areas in the vulva area, almost See-through blue’ish color. Later it was itching and because off scratching, some areas became small wounds. I consulted a gynokologist, who just wanted me to use dermovat for a period. I asked him if it was possible to get low dose naltrexone on prescription, but he didn’t know anything about that medicine, so I stopped going there since he also didn’t seem to know a lot about lichen sclerosus. I then went to my own doctor with a lot of papers regarding the use of low dose naltrexone for autoimmune diseases, she told me to try it out. I had been communicating with a group on Facebook who knew a lot about it, the admin helped me finding my doses and since then I haven’t had any itching or white areas. My mucous membranes are functioning again, and I don’t really think about the disease anymore.

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