Is Loeys Dietz syndrome contagious?

Is Loeys Dietz syndrome transmitted from person to person? Is Loeys Dietz syndrome contagious? What are the routes of contagion? People with experience in Loeys Dietz syndrome help solve this question.

Is Loeys Dietz syndrome contagious?

Loeys Dietz syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by mutations in certain genes. It is not contagious and cannot be transmitted from person to person. It is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, meaning that an affected individual has a 50% chance of passing the condition on to each of their children. Loeys Dietz syndrome affects the connective tissues in the body, leading to various symptoms and potential complications. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and management of this condition.

Loeys-Dietz syndrome (LDS) is a genetic disorder that affects the connective tissues in the body. It is caused by mutations in certain genes that are involved in the growth and development of these tissues. LDS is not contagious and cannot be transmitted from one person to another.

Individuals with LDS have a higher risk of developing certain cardiovascular problems, such as aortic aneurysms and dissections, as well as other connective tissue abnormalities. These symptoms can vary in severity and may present differently in each affected individual.

The genetic mutations that cause LDS are typically inherited from a parent who also carries the mutation. However, it is also possible for the mutation to occur spontaneously in an affected individual without any family history of the syndrome.

Diagnosis of LDS is usually made based on clinical evaluation, family history, and genetic testing. Early detection and management of the syndrome are crucial to prevent or minimize complications associated with cardiovascular abnormalities.

Treatment for LDS focuses on managing the specific symptoms and complications that arise. This may involve regular monitoring of the cardiovascular system, surgical interventions when necessary, and medication to control blood pressure and reduce the risk of aneurysm formation.

It is important for individuals with LDS to receive appropriate medical care and genetic counseling. Genetic counseling can help affected individuals and their families understand the inheritance pattern of the syndrome and make informed decisions regarding family planning.

6 answers
No it is not contagious. It is hereditary via genetics or a spontaneous mutation. You can not pass it thru saliva.

Posted Feb 6, 2018 by Helene 1600
No, it's a genetic diagnosis.

Posted Apr 7, 2019 by Emma 321
Definitely not contagious.

Posted May 12, 2019 by Derek 4050
LDS is not contagious, but can be passed on via genetics at a chance of 50/50, generation to generation

Posted May 14, 2019 by Glenn 2500
No. You cannot catch it. It is not spread by bodily fluids, it is not airborne, it isn’t shared by droplet or contact.

Posted May 16, 2019 by Vicki 1800

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my family has lds my husband and 3 kids but the doctors say they dont now much about the disease
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