Question - Lyme Disease


Has anyone had success with essential oils? If so which ones

Asked 8 years ago Krissi Zitka 55

 Really thinking about trying essential oils, but Im running out of money. I don't want to waste money on them unless they really work. I have been tested and have late stage chronic lyme, bartonella henselae, anaplasma, ehrliciosis and babesiosis. Going on 12 years and desperate!  Thank you

4 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Hi Krissi, I've used cinnamomum verum for a while, but didn't continue treatment. The lady on this web-site, Louise has been very kind to me and was very supportive. There are a number of recommendations regarding essential oils. Well worth having a look at the site:


All the best


Answered 8 years ago Jeanette Kruger 10

Thank you for you fast response :) i will look into that

Answered 8 years ago Krissi Zitka 55

Check out this website, lots of good information:


Answered 8 years ago Ariana 10

Hi Krissi, sorry for the late response - haven't been online quite a while.

I do have very good experience with oregano-oil; of course not only on it's own.

After several AB'x terms; less successful than hoped for, I decided last year to only treat myself with natural remedies - essential oils are helpful like their name - they are very essential.

I changed my complete diet, day-time pattern and mix my own tea, extractions and tinctures - I started to do so, as my insurance doesn't cover anything regarding Lyme and I'm refusing to pump my body full off chemical-medications anyway - made most things worse.

So I know how it is to run out of money due to bills and non affordable treatment.

Most important herbs that I use are Cistus-tea and extract, Oregano-oil, chilli'n'garlic, teatree-oil, tumeric, cinnamon, samento & Banderol, Chlorella,milk thistle and cannabis (oil, in foods or vaping - not smoking)

I wouldn't say that I'm "healed", but improved quite a bit in comparison to the past - I'm planning a hiking tour for April, which wouldn't have been possible last year as I was bed/housebound most of the last years.

If I can help you any further with recipes,hints where and how to obtain natural-medication and herbs or other questions, just let me know. I'm glad to do, if I can.

All the best for your progress, Krissi


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