Story about Lyme Disease .

I had to become my own doctor to find out I had Lyme and to get better

Jan 31, 2016

Please be a hero by understanding and supporting Lyme disease.  Here is a letter I wrote to an author who wrote a book that helped me figured out my Lyme Disease.


Dear  Pharmacist Suzy Cohen


You saved my life and I can’t thank you enough.  I will forever be grateful to you.  I have been sick for 25 years and nearly die from Lyme complications.  I have seen over 20 doctors.  I have been to too many emergency rooms.  I have had so many tests done.  No one seem to be able to figure out where my stomach pain and other symptoms were coming from.  Many times I have come home sobbing because a doctor told me that it was all in my head.  Once again at my last emergency room visit, they could not find the cause of my pain.  I was feeling so frustrated.  I downloaded your book on pancreas cancer.  I was on diabetes medicine called Januvia for many years and had great concern because I had read that a lot of patients who had been prescribed Januvia were developing pancreatic cancer. While reading through your book, you explained that stomach pain such as what I had experience warranted further exploration for Lyme disease.  I researched Lyme disease and reviewed the Lyme disease symptoms checklist.  I was shocked to learn that I had more than 80% of the symptoms, not jut prior to this most recent emergency room visit but for over the past 23 years.


I am an avid gardener and hiker.  Over the years I have found numerous ticks on me.  The first time I found a tick on me was in 1990.  I remember telling my doctor about the tick, and he said not to worry if did not have any bull’s eye rash.  We now know that less than 50% of people who have been bitten by a tick show the bull’s eye rash.  Twice, a test result from local lab showed that I was negative for Lyme disease.  We now know that local labs only show positive result 20% of the time depending where we are on the infection.


The day after my emergency room visit, I went back to see my primary doctor.  I showed her your book and all the symptoms I checked off on Lyme disease checklist.  She agreed to sign off on getting the test done through IgeneX Lab in CA.  which provide more accurate results on Lyme tests than local labs.   Sure enough, on 1/21/14 my test came back positive for chronic Lyme disease.


The test result gave me mixed emotions.  It was good to finally have a name to this terrible disease.  But I cried for 3 days because I was mad, frustrated, and angry that it took so long to diagnose this Lyme disease and it took ME doing the research.


What is so scary to know is that this Lyme disease mimics so many diseases like arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, MS, Lou Gahrig’s disease (ALS),  Alzheimer, Parkinson’s, , digestive issues, heart and lung issues, and more.  


Suzy Cohen, thank you so much for speaking out on chronic Lyme disease on our behalf.  Please never stop.  Keep up the good work.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you and thank you.  You are AWESOME !!!!



I am doing so much better now form eating black garlic, using black cumin seed oil, drinking Chanca Piedra tea, and taking alive leaf.  I am now  helping Lyme friends around the world.  Here are more info.


Folks, I am on a mission to help as many people as I can. I am in remission/ symptom-free from chronic Lyme Disease from eating black garlic, using black cumin seed oil orally and topically, drinking Chanca Piedra tea and taking olive leaf. These are nature's antibiotics and are very gentle on our body. They help kill bad bugs, detox, and repair our body. I am not a doctor, but I nearly die from chronic Lyme disease complications in Fall of 2014. If I can help it, I don't want to see one more person to suffer like I did. I realize it is not a one size fits all, but If this Tee's protocol works for you, all I ask is that you pay it forward by helping as many people as you can. If this helps you feel better, please return here by clicking on the picture to give your feedback so together we can save more lives.

Suicide rate is extremely high among Lyme patients. It makes me feel so sad to hear that, but I understand why having been so sick myself. On an average it takes Lyme patients seeing between 15 to 20 doctors to finally get the diagnose after years of being told that all our symptoms were in our head. After the diagnose, many Lyme patients give up because they are feeling the abandonment from most doctors, friends, and family along with having to deal with the pain 24/7. If you know someone who is battling Lyme/ chronic Lyme Disease, please have the compassion and the understanding. I am sharing this info because I want to do my part to help bring the high suicide rate down. Please help me by spreading Lyme Disease awareness and by sharing this info. You are welcome to copy the link to paste or click share to help save lives. Thank you.

Info on Lyme Disease.
Some of the many symptoms of Lyme Disease are:

My name is (Tee) Thavone Washer. I had chronic Lyme Disease gone undiagnosed for almost 25 years. I had all the classic symptoms of Lyme Disease and its co-infections. So much damage has been done to my body and organs especially to my digestive system. I could not eat and was only living on liquid for many months. It felt like I was not going to make it, the pain below my right ribs was 24/7 and was unbearable. Almost a year of trying different treatments, finally eating black garlic, using black cumin seed oil orally and topically, drinking Chanca Piedra tea, and taking olive leaf have turned my life around. I am now back to eating normal food and able to do so much. 

Info on black cumin seed oil.

Eating black garlic and taking black cumin seed oil give me energy. They both clear my brain fog and put me in a better mood. My depression and anxiety are so much better. From what I read, black garlic has double benefits of regular garlic, it is nature's antibiotic and it is more gentle on our body. It is cheapest to make your own black garlic than to buy from Whole Foods, Trader's Joe, Ebay, or Amazon. Using a simple rice cooker (see picture) that has only cook and warm setting with a snap on lid. Fill a rice cooker with organic raw heads of garlic, close the lid, leave the rice cooker on the WARM setting for about two weeks given or take depending on the brand of rice cooker. You can tell black garlic is done when it feels soft and have black color. When done, leave black garlic out in a basket. Black garlic will taste even sweeter as they get to sit out and dry some more. Do not put black garlic in refrigerator, the moisture will make black garlic slimy. On the first day, eat one clove and wait a few hours. If you are not herx-ing too much, you can eat another one and work your way up. You know your body the best, please adjust accordingly. Organic black garlic has sweeter taste than non-organic black garlic. I eat about 1 to 2 heads of black garlic a day spreading through out the day. On a busier day, I might eat up to 3 or 4 heads for extra energy. If you don't like to chew on black garlic, you can make it into a paste using a mortar and pestle. You then can just swallow 1/4 teaspoon at a time spreading through out the day. You can also add honey to the black garlic paste if you like. Thank you Terry Chattsworth for the info on black garlic.

Chanca Piedra (break-stone) tea repairs my gut issues, it helps take away the pain below my right rib that I have been having off and on for many years that doctors and emergency room have not been able to figure out. Chanca Piedra is an annual plant that grows wild in the Amazon forest and tropical countries, it has been used for hundred of years. It is mostly known as break-stone herb. From what I have read Chanca Piedra has properties to kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites. It then detox and repairs our body. It is anti-inflammatory . I was happy to read that in many countries, Chanca Piedra is used for so many illnesses including syphilis. Syphilis is in the same family of Lyme Disease per Dr. Alan Macdonald’s research.

Chanca Piedra comes in tea, capsule, and extract form. I prefer the tea form, no additive and the tea has a nice taste. I make weak tea and drink the tea all day long in place of water. I drink the tea hot in the Winter and drink with ice in the Summer. You can buy Chanca Piedra from iherb, Amazon, and Ebay web page. Like all treatments, please go slow and listen to your body and pay attention to your herx reaction. Along with eating black garlic, drinking Chanca Piedra tea, I take Megafood multivitamins, magnesium, D3, and Dr. Ohirah’s probiotic if I am not eating enough fermented vegetables. I also take olive leaf extract which is also very good for Lyme and immune support. I do detox bath with epsom salt and baking soda two times a week. I am on no grains, no dairy, no legumes and no soy diet. I eat a lot of fermented vegetables. Fermented vegetables are so good for our gut and brain because whatever is in our gut, it is also in our brain, good or bad. It is really true, food can either heal us or hurt us. For my heart issues, I drink Hawthorn berry/leaf tea or take Hawthorn capsule along with taking potassium, CoQ10. I found Copaiba essential oil to be very good for pain, inflammation, and more, so does Ledum essential oil. Please also read up on black cumin seed oil. I am able to do so much. I was snowshoeing over the Winter. In nicer weather I bike, walk, hike, and kayak.

I am not a doctor. I am sharing with you what has helped me, hoping to help save as many lives as I can. Lyme Disease is the most misunderstood disease since Aids. It is worldwide epidemic growing rapidly. Please help spread Lyme Disease awareness.

Any rice cooker that looks like this will work, it needs to stay on a WARM setting for about two weeks until we unplug it. Some rice cookers run hotter in a Warm setting, you will need less time. Please DO NOT buy a digital rice cooker, it will turn itself off after 4 hours in a warm setting. You need an old fashion rice cooker with a snap on lid that has only cook and warm setting that will not turn itself off unless you unplug it. Please do not use a crockpot , a slow cooker , a rice cooker with sit on top cover, they do not work. They will dry out the garlics and they won't turn black.

I have been having good result with the Tiger brand rice cooker in the picture. Please stay away form Elite Platinum rice cooker brand, it burns my garlic.

Cancer or tumor growth is very common among Lyme patients. Please read up on benefits of Essiac tea, black cumin seed oil, cannabis oil, baking soda with honey or molasses.

info on black cumin seed oil.

You can buy black cumin seed oil at Amazon

Benefits of rebounding, jumping on a trampoline.

where to buy a rice cooker

You can buy already made black garlic at Amazon.

info on black garlic

You can buy Chanca Piedra from Amazon, or Ebay , or iherb webpage.

info on Chanca Piedra

Info on Hawthorn (from a rose bush family) for my heart issues.

Information on Copaiba Essential oil, very good for pain, inflammation, and Lyme

Infomation on Ledum

info on olive leaf
where to buy olive leaf.
 — with, and




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