Which are the symptoms of Lymphocytic Infiltrate of Jessner?

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Lymphocytic Infiltrate of Jessner symptoms

Symptoms of Lymphocytic Infiltrate of Jessner

Lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner, also known as Jessner lymphocytic infiltrate or Jessner-Kanof lymphocytic infiltrate, is a rare chronic skin condition characterized by the presence of infiltrating lymphocytes in the skin. It primarily affects middle-aged adults, with women being more commonly affected than men. The exact cause of this condition is unknown, and it is considered to be an idiopathic disorder.

The symptoms of lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner typically manifest as persistent, small, red or pink papules or plaques on the skin. These lesions are usually found on the face, neck, upper trunk, and less commonly on the extremities. The affected areas may be slightly raised, and they can vary in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter.

The key symptoms of lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner include:

  1. Papules and plaques: The primary symptom of this condition is the presence of small, red or pink papules or plaques on the skin. These lesions are typically asymptomatic or mildly itchy.

  2. Facial involvement: The face is the most commonly affected area, with lesions often appearing on the cheeks, forehead, and chin. However, they can also occur on other parts of the body.

  3. Chronicity: The lesions of lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner tend to persist for months to years, with periods of remission and exacerbation.

  4. Minimal scaling: The affected skin may exhibit minimal scaling or flaking, but significant crusting or oozing is not typically observed.

  5. Non-scarring: The lesions of lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner do not usually result in scarring or permanent changes in skin texture.

  6. Occasional ulceration: In rare cases, the lesions may ulcerate, leading to the formation of shallow, non-healing ulcers.

It is important to note that the symptoms of lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner can vary from person to person. Some individuals may only have a few isolated lesions, while others may experience more widespread involvement. The condition is typically chronic and may persist for many years, but it is generally considered to be benign and does not pose a significant health risk.

If you suspect you may have lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner or are experiencing persistent skin lesions, it is important to consult a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management. A dermatologist will typically perform a thorough physical examination and may recommend a skin biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

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