Story about Lynch Syndrome .

Previvor of MSH6

Aug 16, 2017

By: Kellie

Last year, my father was diagnosed with rectal cancer.  He went through chemo and radiation, and then surgery to remove the tumor.  The pathology revealed he should have genetic testing performed, which showed he was positive for Lynch Syndrome with an MSH6 mutation.  

I made an appointment immediately.  The testing confirmed I was also positive for Lynch.  The news hit me like a ton of bricks.  I felt like a ticking time bomb.  So, I let myself have a pity party and a good cry.  Then I picked myself up and started on my journey to remain cancer free.  

Due to being at a high risk for uterine and ovarian cancer, I have elected to have a total hysterectomy.  I will also be having yearly endoscopies, colonoscopies, mammograms, eye exams, and physicals to screen for cancer.  All of my doctors have been extrememly supportive.  I also joined an online support group on FaceBook.  It is comforting to know there are other people from around the world who are going through or already been through this.  

I am only a month into my own Lynch journey.  It's scary not knowing what the future holds, but I can't live in fear.  I have to do my part and be prepared to face what may come.  


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