Question - Mastocytosis and MCAS



Asked 7 years ago sisterfate11469 100

Anyone see a good doctor that treats mast cell disorders in or around GEORGIA?? Please share your doctor's name, even if you are in a nearby state! I've seen a hematologist in Gainesville, FL, and am being treated for SM due to having all the symptoms of it; yet, as all testing/labs come in, they seem to lean more towards MCAD/MCAS........however, he is not sure, as he says he's no expert and my husband is only the 3rd patient he's ever seen with a mast cell disorder. My husband's attacks have worsened over time and the last one (Aug 28) has left him EXTREMELY fatigued, ABSOLUTELY NO ENERGY, has to rest ALOT, unable to work so far. We are DESPERATE TO FIND SOMEONE WHO CAN ACTUALLY HELP US!!! THANK YOU!!!

2 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

There are a couple good facebook pages for Mastocytisis and Mast Cell Activation Disorder (the Mastocytisis Society), Request to be part of the group and ask there.  I live in AZ, so have no idea.  The Mast Cell expert in the country is Dr. Lawerence Afrin his webpage is and [email protected]

Blessings to you!  Praying you find the answers you need!

Answered 7 years ago Anne 10

Aldehydes activate mast cells. A metabolic-healthy organism builds aldehydes immediately. If this metabolism is damaged, cell-destroying aldehydes are enriched. The causes are all effects that damage this metabolism: heavy metals - especially amalgam, antibiotics, chemotherapy, many vaccines, ionizing radiations, titanium dioxide, hydrochloride, vulcanization accelerators in almost all rubber / latex / nitrile products, disulfiram, cyanamide, sulfonylurea, pesticides, Nitroglycerin, nitrate, nitrite, other N compounds, NOx, fluorine and its compounds, chlorine and many of its compounds, benzenes, non-physiological alcohols, etc.

Answered 7 years ago SHG 92
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