How I beat MSK (Medullary Sponge Kidney)

Jan 5, 2023

By: Roxanne

Year Condition Began: 1980

Hello, I am going to share my experience with you, in the hopes that it may help you.

I was born, premature in 1980. I lived a pretty normal poor Appalachian childhood. I never got sick, with the exception that, I often came down with fevers. These fevers would come out of nowhere and sometimes last for days. I learned how to manage these fevers at home as I grew into adulthood. By manage, I mean push through, no matter how bad it got. As an adult, I never tried/try to seek medical care. I dislike doctors/nurses and don't like anyone having such complete control over me.

In 2014, that changed. I had to go to the ER, because I had pains that were excruciating. There was a throbbing in my back at the bottom of my ribcage that I had never experienced prior. It was a large stone, lodged in a way that credited surgery and stents placed. No diagnosis until 2016, when I was told I have MSK. Since the beginning of this tragic excursion, I was always told:
Drink more fluids, stay away from too much protein, reduce sodium, don't take in fluids that have too many oxalates, stay away from dairy, ect. I was given every common medical advice from several urologists, doctors and nurses. I was living on a very strict, bland and tasteless diet for years. None of their advice decreased my stone creation. I turned to homeopathic remedies from ACV to lemon, from trying this cleanse or that cleanse. Nothing abated my pain, stone creation or my failing mental health over this health problem.

In 2018, I had a 4.5CM stone and my kidney swelled to the size of a grapefruit. I had to again be hospitalized and required surgery. I almost died of septicemia and now the CDC was in my hospital room. The head nurse, decided that pumping me full of potassium. To the point that, I plumped up so big, I required a full change of clothes (husband had to purchase bigger clothes) and had to wear flipflops home. The swelling took several years (2018-2022) to go down so that my body was maintained at it's regular size (I'm 5'3, and 135lbs regularly). I found out later through research, this experience could have killed me (Hyperkalemia) and caused more damage to my kidneys that before that treatment. Now, let's get to why I am writing this.

After signing myself out of the hospital without consent of the hospital staff, I had my husband take me thrift shopping. This is a decision that would literally change my life, and it saved my life.

I found a Rodale Medical Book, and what information it held inside was magnificent. It told me about over 100 years of research that went into one mineral (MAGNESIUM OXIDE). The research said it would melt kidney stones directly in the body. I am a skeptical person, and I do my research for any treatment I perform myself. So, that is what I did. I found the actual research, that proved this is correct. From the CDC, NIH as well as other research (both clinical and peer reviewed). Magnesium Oxide melts kidney stones directly in the body. In medical terms: it keeps stones from binding and unbinds formed stones. I went out and bought a bottle of 400mg liquid caps. I waited until I felt a stone, and took one. Then another, and another, until one day I decided to take it each day. I take them every day now. I decided 6 months (mid 2022) ago to stop, and see how my body will do without Magnesium Oxide. I have recently (in October) had a stone send me into septicemia. My husband had to hold me as I shook violently through the night) I bombarded myself with Magnesium Oxide in a 12 hr period. I'm sure I took way more than I needed (one every few hours). I didn't seek medical care (not recommended by me), or die (I wouldn't be here to tell you this account), or have any major issues (aside from liquid bowel movements). Now that I have given you my entire experience on Magnesium Oxide... We should know a few things:

0. Magnesium Oxide doesn't have to absorb completely into the body, just enough to filter through the kidneys. Enough to help unbind the stone that has formed. For me, it absorbs just the right amount.

1. I also have Crohn's Disease. Therefore, I am experienced with softer than normal bowel movements. I use to take iron to balance me out, but then I found Bentonite Clay, and it does wonders for Crohn's (research is on the NIH WEBSITE for reference to that).

2. I am appalled that the medical industry (which can make money on the sell of Magnesium Oxide) is using such barbaric and antiquated methods of stone removal. This why I want the world of kidney stone sufferers to know the truths about a much more efficient way of removing kidney stones from the body without surgery.

3. I am of clear and sound mind and body, and have no wish to harm myself or others. This is my experience through research and experimental exploration of my own body. It is something I wish to tell you about, and if this information helps you, then it does. Please do not allow yourself to get diarrhea from Magnesium Oxide, take iron or Clay to help balance you and drink plenty of fluids each day. I recommend Gatorade as water isn't pleasant.

4. I have found what creates kidney stones in my body: cocoa products and soda with high phosphorus content. I did a process of elimination to understand what causes them for me. I can eat anything in moderation and with Magnesium Oxide.

5. I now, don't have to take Magnesium Oxide unless I put in my body what it rejects. Though, I try to take it every other day, life gets busy and I forget because I feel so well. When I start to feel like a stone is forming (even in my ureter) or pressure in my kidneys, I take Magnesium Oxide immediately with bentonite clay.

6. I don't have any restrictions on my diet. I can drink and eat whatever I choose with moderation and peace of mind. I now, can and do enjoy life without much interruptions from kidney stones and without hospitalization.

7. I am NOT a medical professional of any kind. I am simply telling my story about what helps me not suffer from stone formation. I am telling you of my account, on which I would die on, on the hopes that it helps others.

With that, I give you my best regards to a healthy and happy life.

Roxanne Watson.

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