Story about Minimal change disease .

A Minimal change disease story

Feb 10, 2016

At age 5 my knees started swelling, my mom thought it might be gout. Went to a after hours clinic after my mom got off of work, they didn't understand what was happening and why I was swelling, took some blood and sent me to er. Er wasn't sure what to do so they called my pedistrician, she knew because she had studied at Emory in their nephrology dept. She started me on prednisone that night and the rest is history. I was on prednisone until I became resistant to it, I had a kidney biopsy then 2 yrs of cellcept, I went intovremission, my mom really didn't want me on cellceptbecause it's a very powerful drug and I was 8 and still growing. She started weining me off of called a little at a time against the doctors orders, but I stayed in remission! I now have flair,ups sometimes when I get sick from something else and it sends my immune system into overdrive but I'm happy I'm not on medicine everyday! I take pred when my protein states to go up and it helps bring it down and my parents wein me off as soon as they can without undoing the results from the pred. It has definitely been a learning process trying to figure out how my body works with this disease but I am a happy and healthy 10 year old that is loved very much.

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