Story about Multiple myeloma .

Diagnosed in July 2012

Jul 20, 2017

By: Adrian

I was diagnosed with myeloma at the age of 49 after leading  a fit and healthy life and I rarely visited my doctor .

In May 2011 I started getting a pain in my hip and my gp prescribed pain killers suggesting it might be a groin strain .

It got steadily got worse until eventually after breaking a rib he did a bloodtest in june 2012 and i was diagnosed in the july .

It was a plasmacytoma in my hip and I had multiple lesions everywhere including my skull.

I was put straight onto the myeloma Xl clinical trial at the Royal Derby Hospital and had a bone marrow transplant the following January. 

I've been in remission until breaking my arm through a lytic lesion  in January and am now on the myeloma XII trial and will have another transplant in the new year.

Onwards and upwards. I'm feeling fine apart from a bit of pain in my hip and arm and a bit of neuropathy in my hands.

I'm on Ninlaro/dex/thalidomide until my transplant.


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