Story about Multiple Sclerosis .

ms sucks

Dec 2, 2

Life use to be good, then a week or so before christmas I was slurring my speech. mom was like that sounds like a stroke.. I ignored it cause I was going out of town to spend christmas with my dad and sister. while thier i was getting dizzy and even stepped on (my dads) dog.. the tail.. he yelped and i was like wth is wrong with me and went to bed. christmas past then back home but my face was dropped on my right side and still slurred speech. I still ignored it but was  getting worried. I didn't have health insurance and was like nope not going to the doc. Well then my right arm went numb a few days later and at this point i couldn't speak a word. So went to the ER and waited and doctor comes in and says i bet it's ms then walks out (great doctor) they then put me in ICU and waited  then here comes the test, the mri and spinal tap  and it was ms. I have a large lesion on my left side. spinal was fine. Doctor put me on tysabri. So i hurried up and got another job a grave yard cleaning this 3 story building. Did ok for like 2 weeks then one day waking up to go clean my hand was in a fist and i could not open my fingers. I was like what the hell. so went on in to clean anyways using my only hand trying to clean then all of a sudden i was just really hot and tired and i sit down on a chair. and rested for a bit, then i was wanting to get going and get done but standing up both my legs gave out and was on the ground. I kept trying to get up but it was like my legs turned to jello, luckly i got a hold of my mom and step dad and they carried me to the car and into the house and i layed down hoping things would be ok soon. again i knew nothing of ms still very little on what is a relapes and what i need to do. So ended back in the er and back on the steroids and just a few hours i was able to walk just a little bit. thankful i am able to walk good again besides the dizzy other syptoms with walking. So that tysabri, was too strong of a med that the doc put me on, and took me off and put me on copaxpone, which has been working for the past 3 years. Thats pretty much it, but scared as shit of the future. No kids, or husband, siblings don't help much just tell me to get another job from time to time. and make fun of me. I just didn't want to feel that in my legs again so i gave up on working.  The depression is so hard i can't really think right anymore...... that's it my story.. sorry its long and my spelling etc... it's late and very tired and seems my vision is going... Wish the best to you all. I hope you all have a better attidude then mine when it comes to ms. Im lost.... oh and my right arm is permant damage.. no feeling in the last 3 years in it and just the last year tremors... it doesn't get better does it? Take care.. 

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