How to beat Multiple System Atrophy , the easy way .

Nov 2, 2020

cheap too !
I was full blown M.S.A. and told I would die within 3 years back in 06ish . I felt about to die any minute at 2 years and found stuff from Jim humble called MMS . Chlorine Dioxide . It reversed my wasting . I went from 170 pounds at 6.2" to 120 really fast . I'm back to normal again except I lost all muscle so lighter in that sense . 155 lbs. It also cured my cronic hep C which I had since 1980s . I no longer choke on every bite rolling my hand on my throat to push food down to swallow or fall everyday like Dick Van Dyke show opening .I still sit to urinate and have low flow since 02 though but nice to have sex again . ..I got MSA from having acute toxic phenol poisening which I contracted in 85. around 2000 I was going down ! I woke up mucles i couldn't flex feel for years . Really helps autonomic neuroapothies !!! At first I went to naturopath that said keep eatring twinkies for weight. They gave me vitamine d drops that immediatly let my heart go back to normal beat. Then 6 months later it started beating weird again and I upped the dose to 4k iu daily and stopped it again misfiring . Then I watched vitamin D documentarys and settle at 5k daily after a 10k daily 30 day treatment . I got my color back after that . I cleaned my viens with therapudic doses of serrepeptaze too . I was damage by cipro from staph infection for many years that drs couldn't get rid of . MMS got rid of it . protocol 1000 actually . The cipro made my throat close so I had to have it stretched a few times and any mucle I wen to use would explode up real red and raised . To walk a was jackhammering . It was bad ! I couldn't even talk on phone for over 7 weeks .. angstrom magnesium fixed that and in a week My hips and leg bones stopped hurting and I could walk around . Great stuff .And 4 ounces one time daily of colloidal silver got rid of the savere fatigue within a week I started to move around . I could barely raise my arm to eat or sit up too . I had to change my diet too and everything about me . I found empathy ! Here's one little example why I stopped Big Pharma allopathic style healing . There was no healing . I had 3 G.I. drs that could'nt help heartburn what so ever . They had me on Prilosec , ethro , 12 pepsids a day at the same time and one wanted me to take some non FDA approved med from canada 'like that matters to me " that makes women me lactate . I may grow breast to digest food . Sorry my schooled brother or sister , I'm not that guy . All I had to do is change diet to vegitarian non GMO diet . Cured immediatly with diet change . That was it and I was between moderate and savere digestion speed too . My symptoms were so global and bad and many that I wont even fill out the symptoms part .lol. Everything about me shutting down about to die should cover it . Mental and Physical . It's nice to sweat everywhere again . i still have rest tremors and weird eye stuff . It took years before I could cross my legs or let my arms rest on my chest or hips without crushing pain . The heat rising from my own body made me naushas . One day I had 3 nuerologist run a pointed thing on the bottom of my feet and they would shake thier heads because my toes didn't move up or down like expected . when drs teststed my muscle responce with machine that shocks you several places on the body the Drs would do my heals and it didn't even phase me . So both drs turned up the machine then start rapid firing making my skin hot expecting movement but nothing ever even flinched .lol. What is it called when doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result .? I forget ....
Here's the basics of my story . Faces of multipuyl system Atrophy from beggining to end .
I been off all big pharma since 02 . If you do a search for Jim Humble MMS do it on or you will get google hit piece results . You must outside the box and allopathic medicen to beat this . Drs left my in pain suffering wishing death on myself daily . my symptoms were so great treatment wasn't advised . For Hep C for instance . Never again will I creep around like Nosferatu smelling like the taint of Baphomet on thier behalf !

In short what helped
MMS from Jim Humble - #1 reverse autonomic Neuropathies , hep C , diabetes , a bunch of stuff . Smooths out tremors .Very cheap too . Made my voice sound young again and more airy coff , Not so congested .
Serrapeptase , therapudic dosing cleans viens . Makes ulnar snap out and fall asleep problems better plus blood pressure and breathing .
Colliodal Silver - Fights inflammation causing pain and help get rid of the fatique when wasting . Someone else I know used it on thier dad who had M.S.A. in one week of 4 ounces a day he started moving around talking and eating better but wouldn't do the MMS . unfortunate .

Vitamin D Helps many levels but mostly for me to keep my heart ebating right .
Fish Oil lube veins .
Angstrom Magnesium Mother Earth brand cured my cipro damage helpeing hip pain massively and sleep better nsd bunch of stuff .
Spirolina . helps chelate metals from the bnody . makes my A.D.D. better in ym 50s'.
Biotin - to streatngthen nails that are paperish growing down easy to split . a side effect I found on accident was it took alot of grey pout of my hair . For that matter . MMS and colloidal silver boht grow hair on my head . I gotta cowlic going on again . Was accidental . Used it for pimple on head .lol.

These are what turned around the wasting and made my life much more comfortable looking to the future . MMS is the cure for me though . You can supplement and change diet and beat inflammation pain and still waste to death but feel better about it .

Best wishs Diamond...

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