Story about Myasthenia Gravis .

A Myasthenia Gravis story

Dec 2, 2

I was dianogned at the age of 12 in 1989 at Kaiser in Fonatana, Ca, there first patient I believe and I was dianosged withthin weeks of going by 2 new doctor's right out of school, Dr.Wu and Dr. B leong, which still works there and has treated my oldest son, after doing a tensolin test, I was immediately scheduled for a thyemcotomy because they said I had days to live, I had been living with my dad who was a truck driver and his mother watch up during the day, and even though I told my dad and he seen me falling apart his mother told him, I was just being lazy and asking for attention, even though the school said I needed to be taken to the doctor's he put it off for 6 months until my mother had to sneak me out of school for a doctor's appt and then get a emegency court hearing to get me and my brother back.

I was out of 8th for the remaining of the school year after getting my surgery in March, the doctor's only let me go back to walk with my 8th grade class to graduate, It was the worst thing recovering from that surgery, when your 12 and they crack your chest open, I have never really gotten over that or the scare it left behind and all the friends I lost behind this illness.

I went into remission for many years after unitl I got preganant at 20 years old and then I started having my first crisis, I never knew about them or heard about them and was thinking I was having asthama attacks for the longest, until I started being hosptiallized and then I started get my first IVIG treatments year later and finally a few months ago, was given a Cpap maching

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My father was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in the summer of 2013; His initial symptoms were quite noticeable. He first experienced weakness in his right arm and his speech and swallowing abilities were profoundly affected. We all did our best to seek help for this disease no medications they prescribe worked ,we were all scared we might lost him due to his condition, as he had been his brother's caregiver a few years earlier for the same disease before he past. doctor recommend nuatural treatment from total cure herbal foundation for his ALS we have no choice to give a try on natural organic treatment ,this herbal cure has effectively reverse my father condition ,losing his balance which led to stumbling and falling stop after the completing the herbal supplement which include his weakness in his right arm and his speech, home remedies from [email protected] is the best although their service is a little bit expensive but it worth it, they save lives.

Commented 4 years ago Jerry 10

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