Celebrities with Nail-patella syndrome

What famous people have Nail-patella syndrome? Find out which celebrities, athletes or public figures have Nail-patella syndrome.

Celebrities with Nail-patella syndrome

Celebrities with Nail-patella Syndrome

Nail-patella syndrome, also known as NPS or hereditary onycho-osteodysplasia, is a rare genetic disorder that affects the development of nails, bones, and joints. It is characterized by abnormalities in the nails, kneecaps, elbows, and pelvis. While this condition is relatively uncommon, there are a few celebrities who have openly discussed their experiences with Nail-patella syndrome.

1. Patrick James Lynch

Patrick James Lynch is an American actor, producer, and advocate for the bleeding disorders community. He is best known for his role as a co-founder of the online community "Blood Brothers" and his work in raising awareness about hemophilia. However, what many people may not know is that Lynch also has Nail-patella syndrome. He has been open about his condition and has used his platform to educate others about the challenges faced by individuals with rare genetic disorders.

2. Richard III of England

Richard III, the King of England from 1483 until his death in 1485, is believed to have had Nail-patella syndrome. Historical records suggest that he had physical characteristics associated with the condition, including a hunchback and a withered arm. While it is impossible to confirm the diagnosis with certainty, many historians and medical experts believe that Richard III likely had Nail-patella syndrome.

3. Dr. Jennifer Ashton

Dr. Jennifer Ashton is a renowned medical expert and television personality who serves as the Chief Medical Correspondent for ABC News. She has appeared on various television shows, including "Good Morning America" and "The Dr. Oz Show." In her book "Life After Suicide," Dr. Ashton revealed that she has Nail-patella syndrome. She shared her personal journey with the condition, discussing the physical and emotional challenges she has faced throughout her life.

4. Other Individuals

While not celebrities in the traditional sense, there are other individuals who have made significant contributions in their respective fields despite living with Nail-patella syndrome. These individuals may not be widely known, but their stories serve as a source of inspiration for others with the condition.

Nail-patella syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects various aspects of an individual's physical development. While the condition can present challenges, individuals like Patrick James Lynch, Richard III, and Dr. Jennifer Ashton have shown that it is possible to thrive and succeed despite the obstacles. Their openness about their experiences has helped raise awareness and understanding of Nail-patella syndrome, providing support and inspiration to others facing similar challenges.

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Celebrities with Nail-patella syndrome

Nail-patella syndrome life expectancy

What is the life expectancy of someone with Nail-patella syndrome?

4 answers
Is Nail-patella syndrome hereditary?

Is Nail-patella syndrome hereditary?

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Is Nail-patella syndrome contagious?

Is Nail-patella syndrome contagious?

3 answers
Natural treatment of Nail-patella syndrome

Is there any natural treatment for Nail-patella syndrome?

1 answer
ICD9 and ICD10 codes of Nail-patella syndrome

ICD10 code of Nail-patella syndrome and ICD9 code

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Living with Nail-patella syndrome

Living with Nail-patella syndrome. How to live with Nail-patella syndrome?

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Nail-patella syndrome diet

Nail-patella syndrome diet. Is there a diet which improves the quality of l...

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History of Nail-patella syndrome

What is the history of Nail-patella syndrome?

1 answer

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Stories of Nail-patella syndrome

Nail-patella syndrome stories
Nail-patella syndrome stories
I was born with only thumb nails affected and my mom knew it was something genetic from my grandma's side. At 2 I had double hip dysplasia. At 19 was determined to have squared knee caps. My mom had a hysterectomy in her 50s and an xray tech noticed ...
Nail-patella syndrome stories
I was born with NPS. We traced it back and apparently I was the first. I ended having kidney disease and having a kidney transplant in February 1975. My son and daughter are also affected. My son has to have a kidney transplant also but as of now my ...
Nail-patella syndrome stories
No thumbnails hasn't been a huge problem in my life, being male. The elbows have been though. Well, except for that time in 1971 when they kept me from being drafted into the VietNam conflict. 4F'd 10 minutes into the physical down in Detroit. The el...
Nail-patella syndrome stories
My story begins with saying that I knew something was wrong at a young age but it was not until I was older that I got diagnosed with NPS. I was a active child, I always had pain in my knees and issues with my teeth as log as I can remember, but noth...

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 I am from Texas where is everyone else from ?,do we have anyone else in here from texas?!!!!

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