11 Tips for living with Narcolepsy: ***I share this from time to time. Please, anyone that finds it useful, please copy and paste to others that need help getting a grip on N. And by all means, I'd love to hear anyone's suggestions to add to it... Here
My mother is loving and supportive.
Routine - Routine - Routine
nuvigil 200mg per day pristiq 50 mg per day
Xyrem changed my life!
working with what my body is telling me it needs, rather than forcing it to confirm to preconceived standards
Daily routine
Accept your limitations
knowing that it is not all in my head
Knowing that I'm not alone
CPAP! I also have sleep apnea that was waking me up 42 times an hour according to my sleep studies. Cpap has been a miracle!!
I'm a mother
Dexamphetamine + Modafinil clears the fog and sharpens everything up
L-citrulline malate, 9 grams every morning
My Husband is a huge help!
identify trigers and remkve or avoid them
Staying VERY active and exercising has made a huge difference. It helps me to get out of my own way and to keep my mind and body busy, not giving it the chace to become exhausted.
tomar os remédios Ritalina, Stavigile, Donaren, Venlafaxina
Keeping control over my own work hours as a freelancer
regular sleep and wake times
Nuvigil once daily has really kept me alert during the day.
Finding doctors I don't want to punch in the face.
Quiting caffine & nicotine
Employer sponsored health insurance with prescription coverage
Great doctor
My bipap machine occasionally makes me feel more awake
Not a damn thing
On a new med called Wakix (pitolisant hydrochloride)
taking my medication
commuinications with other fellow pwn (people with narcolepsy) and attending narcolepsy uk conference.
A plant based diet tends to help me incredibly.
A plant based diet tends to help me incredibly.
Routine, being a parent
My dog helps me everyday to get up from the bed.
Daily power naps. If I get these in I don't have Cataplexy at all.
daytime medication
The meds the dr has put me on
Short naps everyday
2-4 twenty minute naps a day
My Sleep doctor. He encourages me in every aspect of life, not just the condition. He is a true blessing to me.
Sleep hygeine