Question - Narcolepsy


Xyrem and Weight

Asked 8 years ago GinaB 44

Does anyone currently/previously have/had problems with weight GAIN &/OR bloating from Xyrem? If so... Have you found anything that helps?

9 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

I haven't tried the Xyrem yet...   How well is it working for you...

Answered 7 years ago Mark 27

So far I haven't been having any of these problems. I actually lost so much weight, that I'm now stuck  as a bit under weight, but nothing major seriously. That's not the xylem though, but more likely motiron (retalin). The only anoying thing with xzyrem is that every single morning I feel like I haven't eaten for days. By now it was 2 years ago I started on xzyrem, and 1,5 year on my current dosis. ☺️

Answered 7 years ago Sara 46

there is a xyrem group on facebook where you could get answers too pretty fast. Weight is a problem. Not only with medication but because the hypocretine we miss, has also something to do with our metabolism. Most will gain weight. Some lose weight.with or without xyrem. Getting under weight or overweight is equally bad for all if us.

Answered 7 years ago Feri Ascencion 1833

Xyrem can cause heavy night eating and then you might gain weight. Otherwise usually Xyrem users loses some weight

Answered 7 years ago Johanna Saukkonen 39

All my research and what I was told by dr(s) was it'd make me lose as it does for most others. But I gain. And gain. And gain. +~20lbs now. Been taking it for ~6 months. I had no problem with my weight before. Funny thing is, Xyrem barely helps me. My doctor keeps saying I have a very severe case. But what else is there to take? Already use stimulants. 

Answered 7 years ago GinaB 44

Haven't tried it yet.  The group on facebook is where I would go for answers. 

Answered 7 years ago Katy 22

I dont use Xyrem but the people i know who do have found they are able to manage their weight better once the correct dosage is found, the longer sleep they get means they do not wander around the house so dont snack at night... also they are often better energised in the day ( even if it means they take other meds ) so they can work longer hours or be generally more active. 

I agree though with the comment from katy the fb group for Xyrem users is the best place to go for answers...they know more than we do and becos it is a secret group they will talk more freely about the things we may be reluctant to discuss on an open thread.

On a general weight gain issue I peraonlly ( and i stress this is MY PERSONAL STORY AND I AM NOT A DR) have got sucess at losing weight and controlling my weight with a low GI diet and by following a well know commercial diet plan.


good luck to you.

Answered 7 years ago Nikki 20

I gained 160 lbs in 9 months when I was on it and had a lot of problems with swelling, especially anywhere that I had scars. I'm on baclofen with 5 mg valium at bedtime for sleep now. I get the deep sleep without all the side effects. 

Answered 7 years ago Brian 10

I haven't tried Xyrem yet. If you are worried about weight gain then why don't you try taking other options like Modafinil or Modalert? Along with narcolepsy it can also help with hypersomnia and restore the natural sleep cycle. I am taking Modafinil for narcolepsy but I was suffering from hair fall. I thought the reason might be Modafinil. But I found a relevant article that helped me to know that Modafinil is not the sole reason for hair loss. You can read the article here to further know about the same.

Answered 1 year ago adamcooper 10
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