Story about Nutcracker syndrome .

Nutcracker Syndrome... Having to get major surgery

Apr 27, 2022

Year Condition Began: 2022

Hi! So my name is Isabelle Munoz and I am 18 years old. And about three weeks ago I began throwing up everything I would eat... It was really bad, and I lost an alarming 10lbs in one week! I went from 5'8 125lbs to 115lbs, which I can't afford to lose weight as it is!! I walked doubled over from the pain. But I went to the doctor twice, and to the ER where they gave me IV's everytime. I was pretty much dizzy 24/7 from the constant abdominal and side pain. And how my chest felt extremely heavy too... Anyways so they did an ultrasound at the doctor and I started bawling my eyes out when she put the ultrasound stick thing on my left side because it was so painful, so they thought it might have been my spleen. So they ordered a CT scan at the hospital. However with the ultrasound they did find a 4cm cyst in my left kidney (which is the same side that my nutcracker vein is on). A week later I still haven't heard anything from the hospital for the CT scan, and I was still throwing everything that I ate and drank up and was so so so skinny. So my dad rushed me to the ER I think for the second or third time and I told them my doctor ordered a CT scan and told them about the cyst. When they came back into the room they came back with the nutcracker syndrome news. Then I waited another week for the vascular surgeon to call me, mind you I had called them about 4 times over this week, and no one ever called me back! Finally yesterday morning I called them and they scheduled me right there on the spot!! Also when I visited my doctor after the CT scan she told me that it was just a small pinch of my vein... However I went to the vascular surgeon appointment today and they told me that a huge part of my vein is severely pinched so he wants to go in with surgery automatically. First they are sending me to a kidney specialist to make sure that the cyst on my kidney is okay and isn't affecting my symptoms more before he proceeds with the surgery. Also I was doing research and Google said it's a small procedure where they put a small stint in my being to expand it. So I was under the impression that my cyst was nothing to worry about, my vein was pinched only a little bit, and that it would be a minor surgery. However, to my dismay, the surgeon had relayed the complete opposite to me!! He said they are going to have to cut my vein and move it, because he doesn't know how my long term life would be with a HUGE metal stint in my body. That's right it's actually a huge stint!! I asked him if he could please just cut and move my vein rather than put the metal stint and he said yes that was the safest thing they could do. My vomiting has gone away , however from time to time if I eat too much, do something the wrong way, or brush my tongue too hard I get nauseated. And I have minor left back middle pain and left pain under my ribs. But I just take Tylenol and dramamine as needed, trust me dramamine is the way to go!! Hehe but yeah, also the surgeon said this is actually a major surgery not a small one.... And I would be hospitalized for 3-5 days after the operation. This news was literally the complete opposite of what I had myself believing this whole time. But it's okay, I'm just relieved to know. Please just pray for me! I was so scared and shocked when they told me everything but now I'm just chilling, because at least I'll be able to feel betterrrr!!! Finally!!!!
Story about Nutcracker syndrome

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