Can people with Osteogenesis Imperfecta work? What kind of work can they perform?

See how people with experience in Osteogenesis Imperfecta give their opinion about whether people with Osteogenesis Imperfecta can work and what kind of jobs are more appropriated for people with Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Osteogenesis Imperfecta jobs

Can people with Osteogenesis Imperfecta work?

Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), also known as brittle bone disease, is a genetic disorder characterized by fragile bones that break easily. While the severity of OI can vary from person to person, individuals with this condition can still lead fulfilling lives and pursue meaningful careers.

What kind of work can they perform?

The type of work that individuals with OI can perform largely depends on the severity of their condition, their physical limitations, and their individual skills and interests. It is important to note that people with OI have diverse abilities and talents, just like anyone else. While some individuals with severe forms of OI may face more physical limitations, others with milder forms may have fewer restrictions.

1. Office-based Jobs:

Many individuals with OI can excel in office-based jobs that require intellectual skills rather than physical strength. These may include administrative roles, customer service, data entry, accounting, bookkeeping, writing, editing, graphic design, computer programming, and various other desk-based professions. These jobs often provide a comfortable and safe working environment that accommodates the needs of individuals with OI.

2. Creative and Artistic Careers:

People with OI often possess exceptional creativity and artistic talents. They can pursue careers in fields such as painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, writing, music, acting, and other performing arts. These professions allow individuals with OI to express themselves and showcase their unique abilities.

3. Entrepreneurship:

Some individuals with OI choose to become entrepreneurs and start their own businesses. This allows them to have more control over their work environment, schedule, and physical demands. They can explore various opportunities such as online businesses, consulting, freelancing, or opening a small brick-and-mortar store.

4. Education and Research:

Many individuals with OI have a strong passion for learning and knowledge. They can pursue careers in education as teachers, professors, tutors, or researchers. By sharing their expertise and experiences, they can make a significant impact on the lives of others.

5. Advocacy and Support:

Individuals with OI can also work in advocacy and support roles, helping to raise awareness about the condition and providing assistance to others with OI. They can work for non-profit organizations, support groups, or even establish their own initiatives to improve the lives of people with OI.

6. Remote and Flexible Jobs:

The rise of remote work and flexible job opportunities has opened up new possibilities for individuals with OI. They can work from the comfort of their homes, eliminating the need for extensive physical commuting or navigating inaccessible workplaces. Remote jobs can include virtual assistance, content creation, online tutoring, software development, and more.

7. Adaptations and Accommodations:

It is crucial for employers to provide reasonable accommodations and adaptations to enable individuals with OI to perform their jobs effectively. This may include ergonomic workstations, assistive devices, modified schedules, accessible facilities, and supportive workplace policies. By creating an inclusive environment, employers can harness the talents and potential of individuals with OI.


People with Osteogenesis Imperfecta can certainly work and contribute to various industries and professions. While physical limitations may exist, individuals with OI possess a wide range of skills, talents, and abilities that make them valuable assets in the workforce. By embracing inclusivity and providing necessary accommodations, employers can create opportunities for individuals with OI to thrive in their chosen careers.

5 answers
Anyone can do anything... So in my opinion there should be no limitations ..But yeah if anyone have severe OI then try to avoid hard physical work ... can prefer mental work..

Posted Apr 24, 2017 by Rashi 1050
Obvious physical limitations determine options for work but there are so many options to choose from.

Posted Apr 25, 2017 by Smitty 600
Yes of course, it may have to be adapted but we can do just about anything that we set our minds to

Posted Apr 26, 2017 by Becky 300
Translated from french Improve translation
Yes, jobs in a seated position requires little physical effort.

Posted Apr 25, 2017 by Elyse Foley 1000

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_Quando meu Matheus nasceu a __gente morava em uma cidade minúscula do interior do Paraná.  Ele já nasceu com muitas fraturas, mas os médicos não viram nenhuma delas, até que no dia em que completava 29 dias de vida, ele fraturou gravemente ...
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I was diagnosed at a very young age. I have 3 children, one with OI type 1 and 4 grand babies and one of them has OI as well. It's been a long road but one I wouldn't have changed. My Dad pasted it on to me and my siblings. My Mom has been a wonderfu...
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Well our oi story began on 22 th week of my wife's pregnancy.doctors have realised some bowing on both femurs of our baby girl and advised to visit an expert.lucky us that we met with Prof. Dr.Atil Yüksel.

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