Story about Osteopetrosis .

Dense Bones that Break Easily

Jul 27, 2017

By: Cheryl

I found out I had very dense bones by accident after taking an x-ray for a possible broken wrist. Aside from breaking both knee caps (a year apart) I didn't think much about the disease until I was in my mid 40's. At that time I began having horrific bone and nerve pain, in my back, legs, spine and neck. It got so bad I was using a wheelchair and a walker just to get around. I had to get nerve blocks and begin regular treatment at a spine clinic. I had to take a disability retirement from a job I loved and held for 26 years. It was a major adjustment for me and my family. I learned who my true friends were. Having a chronic illness turns your life upside down. I am now on disability and my activities are limited. I use a cane because I fall often and any fall can cause my bones to break. I live in fear of my bones breaking.

i have learned to take care of myself and listen to my body. If I overdue it, I need more rest and I rest. I stopped feeling guilty or lazy for having health needs that require me to rest more. I connect with friends as often as I can, I have made some wonderful friends on-line who also have this disease and I try to do activities that keep my mind busy. Mostly, I try to be grateful for the people in my life who love me and bring me joy. When it comes down to it, life is not about my illness, it's about the people in it, who love us and make us laugh.

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