Story about Pectus excavatum .

Riley's Story

Jun 21, 2016

Riley was born on October 28, 2005 after a fairly normal pregnancy, at home with his Dad, Grandma,and a midwife. Mom was in labor for 18 hours! When the midwife handed Riley to his mom, she noticed he had a deep indent in his chest and so she asked what that was? She was told it was just a little pectus and nothing to worry about, but her mommy instincts immediately kicked in and she knew something was VERY wrong. So over the years she kept asking questions. 

Riley was sick ALOT, he was always in the doctor's offices and getting antibiotics, and steroids and breathing treatments. Nobody was really helping, then we met Tracey! She is my lung doctor! Tracey picked me up and hugged me on my first visit, told my mom she could hear me breathing down the hallway! Tracey ran tests on my lungs, looked at my Pectus Excavatum and told my parents that this IS in fact a problem and needs to be evaluated by someone with experience treating Pectus kids! 

We got a referral, eventually, to Phoenix Childrens Hospital to see Dr. David Notrica! He was so nice to me, even though I was scared, and I did not understand, and I did not want to lose my cereal bowl! He explained to me over and over why I needed to have this important, life changing and life saving surgery called the Nuss procedure after Dr. Nuss. I asked every time we went in for a  visit and Dr. Notrica never lost patience with me, he calmly explained again. 

Then this last September 14, 2015 at the age of 9 I was admitted into the hospital, my big day had arrived. My Mom and Dad tried to pretend they were ok but I knew they were as scared as I was and saying goodbye at the locked doors was super scary. There was a very nice nurse that brought me to the operating room and introduced me to the doctor that was going to give me the medicine to make me sleepy. He thought that he would tell jokes to make me laugh but I knew all the punch lines!! The nurses told him that I was proof he needed to get some new jokes! Then I went to sleep and I don't remember anything much until the next day. My mom said Dr. Notrica took pictures from inside my chest that showed how severe my chest was, even worse than the tests had shown! Everyone was glad that I had the surgery now instead of waiting, I might have had alot of trouble if we had waited! 

After about 5 hours I was brought into the recovery room and my mom and dad were brought in to see me and sit with me. I don't remember because I was still kind of sleeping. My mom said that I woke up and said OW it hurts and I cannot breathe. I don't remember, but Mom had to run to the bathroom because she thought she was going to be sick. Poor Mom! Then I woke up again later and I my mom was sitting next to me holding my hand but I did not know who she was because of all the pain and all the medicine. But my Dad was there and I knew who he was so I felt a little better and went back to sleep. The nurse said I would be out for a while so Mom and Dad went out to the waiting room to thank my grandma and my auntie for being there all day with them. Then it was time to bring me to my room. 

I was in the hospital for 6 days. The first 3 were THE WORST!! I was in so much pain and I was really having a hard time breathing. I had to have oxygen on at night time. Then I had to get up and walk and it hurt so much and I was so tired but the therapists and my parents said I had to do it. They told me if I was good I could go down to the game room, that got my attention! So the next day I walked ALL THE WAY down to the game room, but I was so tired by the time I got there I needed the wheel chair to get me back to bed. But I got there! I was released on a Saturday. I went home with pillows and blankets tucked all around me to help me on my first car ride after surgery. I had 2 bars put under my sternum! 

The next 3 weeks were very hard for me and harder on my mom. I had to have pain pills every 2 hours so my mom had to help with that, I needed help to get up from my couch that I was sleeping on, I needed help walking to the bathroom because the pain meds made me a little wobbly!! But after 3 weeks my pain really started going away and I started slowly getting back to my old self! 

Now I am 9 months and 1 week post op and I have never felt better! I have energy, I have not been sick, not really, and I can keep up with the other kids! Tracey says my lung function is better than it has ever been, and Dr. Notrica says he cannot believe how well I have healed! I know I have to have surgery again in about another 3 years or so to take the bars out but I get to KEEP THEM! How cool is that? And I get to go visit my nurses and other kids at PCH that have Pectus, and I have made alot of new friends along the way! So all in all, even though I miss my cereal bowl, I am doing great and I know I am going to be ok! 

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