Is there any natural treatment for Pheochromocytoma?

Are there natural treatment(s) that may improve the quality of life of people with Pheochromocytoma? Here you can see if there is any natural remedy and/or treatment that can help people with Pheochromocytoma

Natural treatment of Pheochromocytoma

Is there any natural treatment for Pheochromocytoma?

Pheochromocytoma is a rare tumor that develops in the adrenal glands, which are located on top of the kidneys. These tumors are usually non-cancerous (benign), but they can cause excessive production of adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones, leading to high blood pressure and other symptoms. While medical intervention is typically necessary to manage and treat pheochromocytoma, there are some natural approaches that can complement conventional treatments and help alleviate symptoms.

Lifestyle Modifications

Adopting certain lifestyle changes can be beneficial in managing pheochromocytoma:

  • Stress Management: Stress can trigger hormone release and worsen symptoms. Engaging in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or tai chi can help reduce stress levels.

  • Regular Exercise: Engaging in moderate physical activity, as advised by your healthcare provider, can help regulate blood pressure and improve overall well-being.

  • Healthy Diet: Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can support overall health. Limiting the intake of processed foods, caffeine, and alcohol is also recommended.

  • Adequate Sleep: Getting enough sleep is crucial for hormone regulation and overall health. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.

Herbal Remedies

While herbal remedies cannot cure pheochromocytoma, they may help manage symptoms and support overall well-being. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbal supplements, as they may interact with medications or have contraindications:

  • Passionflower: This herb has calming properties and may help reduce anxiety and lower blood pressure. It is available in various forms such as teas, tinctures, or capsules.

  • Lemon Balm: Lemon balm is known for its calming effects and may help relieve anxiety and promote relaxation. It can be consumed as a tea or taken as a supplement.

  • Hawthorn: Hawthorn is often used to support cardiovascular health and may help regulate blood pressure. It is available in capsule, liquid extract, or tea form.

  • Valerian Root: Valerian root is commonly used as a natural sleep aid and may help improve sleep quality. It is available as a tea, tincture, or capsule.


Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practice, involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. It is believed to help balance the flow of energy and promote healing. Some individuals with pheochromocytoma have reported symptom relief and improved well-being after acupuncture sessions. However, it is essential to consult with a qualified acupuncturist and inform them about your condition before undergoing treatment.

Staying Informed and Seeking Medical Care

While natural approaches can provide some relief, it is crucial to remember that pheochromocytoma requires medical attention and monitoring. Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider, adherence to prescribed medications, and following their recommended treatment plan are essential for managing this condition effectively.

7 answers
I prefer using full extract cannabis oil and other cannabis products to manage my pheo symptoms and remain in remission.

Posted May 23, 2017 by Michael 840
There are no natural treatments. Surgery is the only option.

Posted Jul 5, 2018 by Anderson 2550
Please don't even think about it.

Posted Jul 5, 2018 by Helen 2500
Maybe for the blood pressure but not for the tumor it has to be removed

Posted Jul 11, 2018 by Eme lou 3000
There is an Ayurvedic treatment for pheochromocytoma. I am going to try it before going for surgery

Posted Dec 21, 2019 by Cristina 100
Fruits and vegetables fight cancer, for example lectins in beans punch holes through cancer cells. This is why cultures who consume more beans present with lower incidence of colon cancer.

Falcarinol compounds found in carrots also fight cancer. Likewise water fasting has been shown to evert an anti-cancer effect and is sometimes used in conjunction with conventional anti-cancer treatments.

The human body is dynamic and locked in a perpetual battle of balance. Benign tumours grow regularly and are killed by the body in an endless cycle.

Poor lifestyle choices and bad diet can tip the balance and push benign tumours into the cancerous stage (ie. growth hormones found in dairy etc).

If diet and lifestyle can lower the risk for certain types of cancer then it begs the question: can diet and lifestyle also influence pheochromocytoma?

This is a valid question because conventional treatment for pheochromocytoma is extremely dangerous. There are huge risks involved.

Obviously, there are cases whereby genetics play a major role and conventional treatment is the only answer, but we must also keep in mind the way big pharma controls narratives regarding health. They want to sell pharmaceuticals, and so natural remedies present a threat to their business model.

It would be interesting to know if diet and lifestyle influences pheochromocytoma.

Posted Jul 13, 2020 by John 200

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My  14 year son was diagnosed with the disease in 2013. Went on to have surgery. And found more after having routine scan. Having treatment. And also  hubby snd oldest son and mother inlaw has the gene. 
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Good morning to y'all - I'm curious as to if any of you have looked into the story of Steve Kubby?  He was diagnosed with pheochromocytoma in 1968, at 23-years-old.  He began experiencing symptoms of hypertension and palpitations, and was t...

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