Story about Phyllodes tumor , Celiac Disease.

My unwelcome discovery

Nov 2, 2022

By: Rebecca

Year Condition Began: 2018

Last April (2018)l I woke up on my stomach with a pain in my left breast. Upon examination, I felt a large, strawberry-sized lump. I immediately met with my PCP, followed by a mammo, ultrasound and biopsy. Pathology determined it was a malignant phyllodes tumor and I was directed to a surgeon for a lumpectomy. In the three weeks between that morning discovery and the first of two surgeries, it had aggressively grown to the size of a ping pong ball. Pathology of the tumor advised another surgery to remove additional tissue. It was also advised I receive a course of radiation afterward, but I hesitated given that I'd read in the limited studies on phyllodes, the jury was still out on benefits vs risks. I also had no health insurance at the time and had been paying all the substantial bills with cash. In October, I was able to get insurance and went ahead with the radiation. The radiation really affected my already compromised immune system (I have Celiac Disease) and I had two consecutive UTI's and an abnormal PAP. I'm a healthy eater, non-smoker, limited drinker of alcohol and stay relatively active, so I don't really understand WHY? other than life is just a crap shoot. My six month mammo was negative (whew) and now I'm in the waiting queue for the next ball to drop, but trying to stay positive.
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