Pneumothorax and depression

Can Pneumothorax cause depression? Could it affect your mood? Find out how Pneumothorax can affect your mood.

Pneumothorax and depression
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Pneumothorax and depression

Pneumothorax life expectancy

What is the life expectancy of someone with Pneumothorax?

2 answers
Celebrities with Pneumothorax

Celebrities with Pneumothorax

1 answer
Is Pneumothorax hereditary?

Is Pneumothorax hereditary?

4 answers
Is Pneumothorax contagious?

Is Pneumothorax contagious?

2 answers
Natural treatment of Pneumothorax

Is there any natural treatment for Pneumothorax?

1 answer
ICD9 and ICD10 codes of Pneumothorax

ICD10 code of Pneumothorax and ICD9 code

2 answers
Living with Pneumothorax

Living with Pneumothorax. How to live with Pneumothorax?

1 answer
Pneumothorax diet

Pneumothorax diet. Is there a diet which improves the quality of life of pe...

1 answer

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Stories of Pneumothorax

Pneumothorax stories
My lung collapsed spontaneously when one of the blebs on my left lung burst. This was in September 2014, about 2 weeks before my 21st birthday. I spent almost two weeks at Holy Redeemer Hospital and had the talc pleurodesis surgery to resuspend my lu...
Pneumothorax stories
I have had 7 spontaneous pneumothoraces since 2006  
Pneumothorax stories
September 13, 2014 I was helping my daughter take her saddle off of her horse. When I lifted it up over my shoulder to take it back to the tac room, I felt a sharp twinge in my mid right back under my shoulder blade. I didnt think too much of it at f...

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