Story about Poland Syndrome .

Alone but not alone!

Dec 15, 2015

By: Sharon

Finding out after 50 years why my right chest is different from my left has come with some tears. I'm pleased to know I'm not a freak and not alone in the world but not knowing sooner that I have Poland syndrome has left me with mental scares that are only just starting to heal. I never looked at myself in the mirror, I  couldn't  bear my husband looking at me, I never talk about it (it made me cry) and I have spent a lifetime hunting for clothes that will hide my secret.  Only my children, husband, one friend now know and obviously anyone who is reading my story. One the plus side, it's made me a stronger person, I have a great home life and maybe one day I'll share my story with other people in my life. I wish that I had someone I could have turned to when growing up but it wasn't to be.

My biggest hope is that others like me never have to feel alone and gain strength from those around them and from within as life is for living so live life to the full and don't let anyone hold you back.

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I'm sorry it took you so long to find out. 

I found out in my 30's. I was also thrilled to find out what it was that I had. To be able to put a name with it finally. 

I hope this lightens your mind. 

No you are not alone!! 

Take Care

Commented 7 years ago Margaret 15

I discovered that what I had was PS last year my 21 years. We are not alone, strength!

Take care.

Commented 7 years ago Mansuer de Lâvor de Freitas Maciel 16

I undersatand, as far as anyone can understand another, as I too have PS.  It affects my left hand & chest/ breast/ ribs. It was hard growing up different but I can't say it has ruined my life.  I am married with children & grand children & had a career & friends. I can drive, cook, clean, garden & look after pets & children - everything really important. I thought I was alone until I was 50 & saw it on the internet.  No Dr or surgeon had ever told me a diagnosis.  The only way to cope is to look on the bright side really. I'm 66 now & in reasonable health.  Luckier than many..


Commented 7 years ago Kathy 16

Thank you all so much for your kind words. This year of knowing has changed me for the better. Its taken a while but I have just started to talk freely about it and maybe one day I'll strip off and have that fake tan i have always fancied trying. 

Commented 7 years ago Sharon 65

Whew. I just figured it out T O D A Y !! And I am 65 years old. So happy to see where I fit in. The last puzzle piece.

Commented 5 years ago Jane 12

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