Story about Postherpetic Neuralgia .

Shingles turning into PHN

Dec 17, 2015

By: Jennifer

Most people get shingles at 60+, but not me.  I contracted shingles in my 30s, lucky me right.  I was told this was very unusual, but then talking with many others that suffered from it are getting younger in age.  It was beyond painful as most are aware.  Raising a 5 and 1 year old was not east when le my husband was working 7 days a week.  Solution was having the best mother in law around, she was my savior.  After the blisters were gone I was tld the pain would go away.  Well that didn't happen.  I get this burning knife stabbing pain that I just want to dig out of me.  My skin to touch is numb to the touch but deep down inside it's painful.   I've tried so many different medications but still don't have anything that allows me to be pain free and to function as I once did.   I can get a day sometimes with no pain but it's rare.  Since the PHN I have developed migraines.  Don't know if it's because of it or not, I do believe so. When I have a bad spell of pain I tend to get a migraine that will last about three days.  The meds I take do help with the pain most but I have gone to the point of scratching to the point of bleeding.  Not good. Also the side effects are fatigue for the most part. Tired, tired tired, that's all I am.  No matter what I do or don't do I'm tired.  I wish this on nobody.  I just want to be pain free.  I want my life back, I miss my life, my family.  

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