Story about Postherpetic Neuralgia .

Had shingles

Sep 17, 2016

Three years ago I had a rash on my left eye and side of my head, the rash turned out to be shingles. I was lucky that the rash did not affected my eye, but after the rash dried up I was still in pain. I learned that I had developed PHN Post Herpetic Neuralgia. Days turned into weeks and months and I found myself suffering from head and nerve pain. I was given Lyrica and Cimbalta medications to aliviate the pain. Eight months later I was doing better and was able to be weaned off the medication. My PHN came on and off for another two years, and slowly decreased in intensity. Now three years later I still feel some of the effects from it...I suffer from insomnia, anxiety and at times a mild depression. I found that running, walking, yoga and meditating are a big help and also a good diet with plenty of vegetables and fruit, but there are times when even all of those things aren't helpful and it's hard to remain optimistic, especially when I'm in pain. However, it is important to try and fight this virus and not let get the better of us.

Good luck to any of you out there who are suffering from the terrible aftermath of shingles. Hope your pain will lessen and eventually be gone.

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