Story about Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder .

The struggle

Dec 2, 2

By: Vanessa

Well, I was lucky to be diagnosed right away by my primary care in 2004. What wasn't so lucky is that the only option she gave me at the time was antidepressants. Having a family history of depression amongst other things and seeing that it was not helping my significant others and the fact that I was ignorant on the subject. I took the prescription, took a week of it and decided that was not for me. I pretty much just dealt with it through the years. Not being able to keep jobs, putting myself in bad relationships. After getting married in 2008 I noticed it was getting worse. One year I had 7 jobs and I started to gain a lot of weight about a good 100lbs. So I decided to start researching. I found an amazing support group, PMDD moms and decided to see my gynecologist instead of my primary care doc. She wouldn't use the term PMDD on my paperwork but instead irregular periods. I told her how I felt and that I was growing tired of it. She offered birth control but that was not an option for me. I wanted a hysterectomy but she insisted I try something else. Novasure ( ablation ) burning of the lining of my uterus. So I did, it has been 7 months since, my period is a lot lighter and symptoms are somewhat controllable and by that I mean that sometimes my symptoms are horrible and some months I'm ok.

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