Question - Primary Orthostatic Tremor


Violent Tremors & CFS

Asked 8 years ago Jane., Houston CFS Association 55

for many years I've been suffering from Tremors such as finger tapping and leg shaking. About 2 years ago they escalated to Violent tremors. In the movement disorder lab they showed I did not have seizures and the doctor said he thought I was having orthostatic tremors. However as is usual with chronic fatigue syndrome the neurologist I keep changing to think it's psychosomatic somatization. Does anyone have a neurologist in Houston doing any research on this or possibly a concussion doctor as I've also had about 15 coconcussions thank you for your help in this matter

3 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Have you seen Dr. Jancovic at the Baylor College of Medicine?  He is the head of the Movement Center, and has written many publications on Orthostatic Tremors (OT).  There are no studies going on for OT except for a very small one in Florida and they're only accepting patients from a very small database, and it's not for diagnosis.  The finger tapping doesn't sound like OT, and the speed of OT is very fast.  Here's a link to Baylor College: In my opinion, you definitely need another opinion by a top movement specialist.  Orthostatic Tremors are frequently not visible to others because the speed of the tremor is so fast, but it can get quite visible as it progresses, but I wouldn't call it violent.  There are some videos which show it on You Tube.  Good have one of the top Movement Specialists right in Houston!  (if you haven't already been there).

Answered 8 years ago Wendy Luba 60

Thank you so much Luba. I have Dr thenganott dr. Jankovic is office. Also saw Dr Ondo and about 12 others. I have asked about Dr J never Appt available.  Expect to try again after May 3rd when Dr thenganott is leaving. I'm also looking for a TBI doctor because I've had about 15 concussions and need a functional MRI of course it's in research stage as is everything else that might help me. I have been trying to get diagnosed correctly for many years but nobody seems to have an answer and when they say that I have chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia they just say it's psychosomatic and psychogenic. It's very frustrating but I'll persevere and that God will send me the right doctor

Answered 8 years ago Jane., Houston CFS Association 55

Ms Luna I am also looking for dr. David b Arcinegas. He isn't Neuropsychiatric post-concussive research and my neuropsychologist dr. Larry Pollack referred me to him. But I cannot find a number for him I don't know if he's with Baylor or who.  thank you again

Answered 8 years ago Jane., Houston CFS Association 55
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