Story about Retinitis pigmentosa .

My Usher Syndrome Type 2 Story.

Mar 2, 2016

I was diagnosed with Usher Syndrome Type 3 in January 2011. Having duel sensory loss is a bit of a battle but I am a fighter. I was recently diagnosed with Papilledema which is swollen optic nerves at the back of both eyes, starting  of Cataracts and a retinal tear. I have also been diagnosed with visual vertigo to which I am still having ongoing tests for. Along side that, I have prolapsed discs which has left me with a numb left leg, foot and butt cheek. As my gp said, I am certainly going through it but I told him I will continue fighting. Xx 

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Wow, you are dealing with several ailments, talk about head to toe! You are in my prayers and keep fighting! 


Commented 8 years ago Tiffany B Nabors 760

strong person!

Commented 8 years ago Yelda 41

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