Story about Scheuermanns disease , Scheuermanns disease.


Jan 2, 2016

When I was very young I was a super skinny child. Once I got into grade 3 my mom told me I started to gain a lot of weight. It wasn't untill grade 8 that I had realized that I had PCOS. Growing up I was bullyed for my weight and for the hair on my body. I rememeber being told a day after shaving that I should shave my legs or that my chest was hairy and I needed to shave it too. I always thought I wasn't normal because no girls my age seemed to have this much hair on their body. I was searching online for dieases with hair and found hirsutism, connecting to it was PCOS. I instantly started to reasearch symptoms and found that I had a lot of them. I told my mom about it and said that I thought I had this disease and she thought so too. She made me a doctors appointment and I went in and told the nurse that I thought I had PCOS and what symptoms I was having. Turns out my research was right. She put me on birth control, took some blood work and got me an ultrasound to see if I had cysts in my ovaries, which I do. After this I got sent to a gynecologist, he was going to do an ultrasound himself but got the blood test results back and offically told me that from the blood work and ultrasound that I do indeed have PCOS. He put me on spironolactone with the birth control. It tastes horrible and I still have a tough time taking it because of the taste but it really has helped with the hair on my body. I don't have near as much anymore. I still have weight problems but I do want to start working on it now that I am in college and starting to get my life together.

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