Question - Small Fiber Neuropathy


Non-diabetic neuropathy

Asked 7 years ago Stephanie 37

Anyone have non-diabetic small fiber neuropathy? Have your doctors found a cause or is it idiopathic?

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Yes, mine is non-diabetic. It's toxin-related and/or autoimmune related. I had Crohn's disease first which is an autoimmune disease but didn't have any neuropathy symptoms until I took Remicade infusions to treat the Crohn's. I had a very sudden onset of SFN after the third loading dose of Remicade and could not even walk back to my car in the parking lot! I was also on very high doses of the fluoroquinolone antibiotic Cipro.

The Mayo Clinic believes it is primarily toxin-related from the Remicade just because of the almost instantaneous onset, but also told me the autoimmune disease was a contributing factor. Since that time, I've also learned that Cipro causes neuropathy so it's no wonder I wound up with it. Hope this helps you!

Answered 7 years ago Vee 20

Mine is non-diabetic. I do have Celiac disease and I have read that can be a cause. I also have autonomic disregulation. It appears it has moved up my feet to my legs, also hands and forearms. Am going for hand therapy which I am happy about. I have a spinal cord stimulator implanted for five years now. I thought it was for CRPS. Guess it is for both!

Answered 6 years ago manystreams 0
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