Story about Small Fiber Neuropathy .

Searching for the answer to my pain

Dec 17, 2015

By: Henk

since 2012 I  got struck with Pain in my upper right leg, during à game of tennis so slowed down sportactivities in september 2012 gort 360 volt shocks in my complete body and mainly in right arm during more than half an hour sinceto doctor for medication no diclofenac ibrufen helped me , so doctors Saïd you must have something wrong with the nerveus so prescription Lyrica and amitriptyline , yes iT helped to reduces Pain  but now i was in 24/7/365 Pain , to reumatoloog and neuroloog in 2013  yes I have maybe  smallfiberneuropathy  ? What can that be ? After 2nd opinion via best doctors in Madrid and USA , yes can be , than finally in 2014 in Maastricht Université acadamic centre Dr Karin Faber final yes to my disease  ideopatic, Meansville theynfound out i have artrose already in 2014 à new right half knee also i do have hemochromatose , to  to much iron in my blood / body and organ liver, since january 2015 complete sick at home workleave after 32 years , and now chance to do any work whatsoever,  haring à scootmobiel and an electric bike i try to participate with my friends , most of the friends I lost , all my sportactivities are lost , my job and collegue lost, stil haring two beautifull children and à supers wie , oud life changed forever at my age of 49 never expected this , yes iT is tough to service the chronisch , aching stabbing tinteling, Pain , also have tinitus a noise in my ears  which is sometimes worse than sfn Pain , haring already been thinki g of stopping out of the word two times , we all hope iT wil never happen and that a new medication Will be found fast gasinstallatie this chronic disease without haring any future ideas AS monosyllabisch knows how this Will continue 

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