Story about Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity .

How Electrohypersensitivity developed for me

May 12, 2016

By: Debra


My story began in 2002 when I first started getting sick. I already had multiple food allergies/sensitivities I was reacting too at this stage but everything got suddenly worse after a mercury filling fell out and I swallowed it. A few years earlier, the same thing had happened and that’s when the food allergies started. I started to experience severe brain/nervous system inflammation and out of desperation, went to a chiropractor. For the following 5 years I worked for 2 Chiropractors and had Corrective treatment of 2-3 adjustments a week. All my symptoms went into remission. In 2008, while working in Administration, I found as the intensity of adjustments wore off, the inflammation began to come back. Then another filling fell out and I swallowed a good deal of it again. Everything went downhill after that. I told my boss I was reacting to the computer, being on it all day and he put me out the back for a while which helped but I was needed on the computers and my Chronic Fatigue and inflammation worsened until I finally left burnt out. I thought I’d overworked myself at the time and didn’t associate the fatigue and inflammation with EMF’s. One of the Chiros I worked with adjusted me for nine months because I was so desperate and this helped to reduce the severity of my symptoms but never stopped them. I continued to use computers and sometimes a mobile phone up until 2011 when I began to make the association with towers, Wi-Fi, mobile phones, tv’s, and computers. Even then, I still wasn’t aware of how badly they were affecting me. My partner, 3 times, used a mobile phone in the car and put me into almost complete paralysis. This was caused by the severe fatigue that being in an enclosed space with the phone evoked. I couldn’t walk, talk, move and breathing was almost impossible as the energy it took to allow my chest to rise was inconceivable. It felt like I was dying. Atrial Fibrillation would flare up because my blood was so thick, my heart was having trouble pumping blood. All of these things relate back to the way EMF causes red blood cells to stick together, preventing oxygen getting to the brain. My partner on 2 of these occasions buried me in the sand at the beach and after about 30 minutes I could move again and within 2 hours I was functional. So I stopped all mobile phone use in closed spaces and started recognizing that in unenclosed spaces, the blood thickening was affecting me in a different way. I would develop lumps all through my lymphatic system, arms, neck, shoulder blades and these lumps didn’t go away when exposure ended. Sometimes they were there for months at a time, - painful, limiting, fatiguing, completely debilitating my life. I was diagnosed with severe Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue in 2010, Hypothyroidism (Hashimotos) in 2011 and Atrial Fibrillation in 2012.


Being in public places is a nightmare for me. I can’t go to shopping centres or restaurants anymore because the pain from exposure is so bad. I had to see a Psychologist for over a year to deal with the panic attacks I was suffering from anxiety about people using mobile phones around me. He was sceptical at first but soon realized the physical manifestations of this apparent allergy to EMF were triggering the emotional component, not the other way round. When I can’t avoid it and it gets me, my partner massages the lumps out throughout my whole body, and it takes a minimum of 4 painful massages before they clear, while I scream, fight and cry into a pillow but it’s the only way to stop months of debilitation and fatigue. If he massages the lumps out, I can be over it all within 3 weeks usually but sometimes some of it still hangs around. I never stop searching for something that will help. Most of my money is spent on supplements that keep me functional. I live in the hot zone of a mobile phone tower and I have a large electrical box out the front of my house, but I’ve been lucky up until recently because I’ve been surrounded by rural land. This is all being bulldozed away now as suburbia moves in.  I still count my blessings that where I am I don’t have to have a wireless NBN connection, I use a wired desktop with the box separated from where I am, and I can work around most things most days. I do my food shopping at night or low peak periods, I go to Tai Chi once a week because I’ve found that I can do some things where people are too active to use phones. The isolation is probably the hardest thing to cope with, not having a support network, apart from my partner who understands, and a few friends online. I miss my kids birthday dinners and events now and that’s hard. But I still believe I’m one of the lucky ones. So many people are walking around designating the destruction of their health with their technology. They’re disconnected from real living, people, nature, and disrupting their natural frequencies. I’ve spent years studying natural therapies, probably so I can help multitudes of peoples suffering in the future because of their lack of knowledge of what EMF does to us. Please share this to create awareness in the general public.


Update – Since I wrote this synopsis of my story, I have been diagnosed with a severe Helicobacter Pylori infection. I used a very effective natural treatment for 2 months which caused me terrible problems and pain in my stomach. I became aware of massive ulcerations in several parts and am now scheduled to see a specialist for an Endoscopy to determine how severe the ulceration is and if it’s progressed to Gastric Cancer. The first treatment for this bug, only lowered my extreme levels by 1000 so I was forced to do the Triple Therapy prescribed by my Doctor. She even doubled the normal dosage to try to kill it off. I have to wait 2 more weeks before being retested to see if it’s gone. I am physically doing so much better. Energy is up, brain function is improved, some food allergies have lessened and some have gone altogether. It can take up to two years to heal stomach ulceration but I do believe that as I heal, even my Electrohypersensitivity will disappear too. My sensitivity now has changed. I get some pain in my shoulders and neck when around mobile phones but the worst seems to be only the headaches and Tinnitus now. I still live an avoidant lifestyle and haven’t tested this by exposing myself to heavily exposed areas yet as I’m also conscious that my body is trying really hard to heal right now and I want to do everything possible to encourage that. I would suggest anyone with this or other health issues, even ones that are seemingly unrelated to the gut, get tested for H.Pylori as I’m now learning that gut permeability can be the root cause of just about any illness. It can shut Thyroid function down, close off detox pathways, cause sinus and Psychiatric conditions and so much more. I searched for years before I  heard a renowned Microbiologist speak on the hidden causes before I saw my Doctor and demanded, against her wishes, that I be tested for it. Don’t be fooled by their limited knowledge of what it does.


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